What are you working on currently? (2022)

I just released an Old Roblox RPG, but I am still working on the game every day because the gameplay is a little confusing. I would greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, criticisms, or questions if you have any.
Game Link: The Future Of The Past [PRE-ALPHA] - Roblox



Not to give anything away. I’m working on a border/underground game!
Roblox Studio Logo


(mostly) Finished bridge

Happy new year!


New Cop vs Robbers Mechanics!
Police database with warrant system for East Brickton



I have a suggestion to make, I think it might be kind of bright, I myself had this same issue. You could take away some saturation and brightness and replace it with specular scale. Looks awesome though, can’t wait to see it!


Still working on that Space Knights remake from last year.

some footage we made to try to see what the levels would look like
(those are character models I don’t think we’ll be using in the future)

we do have a dev forum post for those who wanna know more, but beware; this is one I wish to remake to add better details of what we have made and show off what skill we have now


I’m building a game called Gumdrop Adventures. I don’t have many updated photos, so here’s a link.
Gumdrop Adventures

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I’m currently working on my game Carbine Legends. I have had it on halt since last summer due to school, but I am going to continue developing and hiring devs this summer!

Carbine Legends is a Phantom Forces type of game, but with ACS, different maps, and different game modes.

Join my group for development updates (once we resume it again).

Infinite Development Studio

My first construction of the year


Here are some of my best works of 2021 and a couple of 2022 work at the end.



I’ve been developing for about 2 years now, and I’ve never finished a game. But I’ve put it on my resolution to finish one this year. Wish me luck with this, I have lots of motivation issues…



This is a repost, but its a new year :smiley:


Currently working on a procedurally generated road game with different outpost systems.


Maybe if there were more people playing and wanting it I could possibly release it publicly.

I’m working on my game “The Deliveries”. Wish I had help, because I don’t know much about building and I want to be done with a City in March.

A house I built in just parts. I’m sure it will look better if it had meshes.

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Mind showing some of your progress? I would love to see what you’ve worked on so far.

s t r o n k h o l d (WIP)


Same thing since 2019 (Heck even longer if I want to bring up the original version): Unintentional Mobility. It’s a game about utilizing rather unheard-of glitches that are associated with certain (mostly) transport type gears in order to overcome maps designed with said glitches in mind (There’s also gears [called “complimentary gears”] that can help assist with your glitch abusing too). Now while the description I gave is good, I believe having some visuals would truly sell it (Some of the footage is rather old):

As of now, I’m currently working on this map (pics related), luckily the concept is to use a lot of old free models, so the workload is a tiny bit less than the typical glitch riding (what I call this hobby of mine) map (still have to come up with ideas for obstacles, test riding, and do the terrain work though, all by myself too…).

If interested, there will be a link down below, please leave feedback afterwards though (hit me up in my PMs or here), for I would like to further improve and get the concept into the eyes of the general populace; Though please take your time with the game for its rather complex (Though I’m sure you would’ve figured that out once you’ve read/seen the length of the instructions).