Spacey | A new, soothing dark theme for Roblox Studio

Spacey - A new, easy on the eyes dark theme for Roblox Studio.

Spacey is a brand new, dark theme made specifically for Roblox Studio. It’s easy to install, use, and customize.

Spacey is easy to install, and ready to use within a minute. To install, simly paste the below text into Studio’s Console, and enjoy!

Copy/paste this command into the command bar in Studio to set your Script Editor theme!

local json = [[{"Background Color":[31,27,53],"Selection Color":[195,181,255],"Selection Background Color":[51,45,81],"Error Color":[254,68,80],"Warning Color":[99,200,158],"Find Selection Background Color":[92,82,139],"Matching Word Background Color":[51,45,81],"Whitespace Color":[144,141,255],"Current Line Highlight Color":[31,27,53],"Ruler Color":[100,54,112],"Bracket Color":[195,181,255],"Text Color":[195,181,255],"Operator Color":[144,141,255],"Number Color":[237,190,227],"String Color":[203,255,178],"Comment Color":[92,82,139],"Bool Color":[237,190,227],"\"nil\" Color":[237,190,227],"Function Name Color":[255,251,198],"\"function\" Color":[144,141,255],"\"local\" Color":[144,141,255],"\"self\" Color":[255,147,244],"Luau Keyword Color":[195,181,255],"Keyword Color":[144,141,255],"Built-in Function Color":[255,251,198],"\"TODO\" Color":[195,181,255],"Method Color":[255,251,198],"Property Color":[195,181,255]}]] local theme = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(json) local studio = settings().Studio for name, color in pairs(theme) do color = Color3.fromRGB(color[1], color[2], color[3]) local success = pcall(function() studio[name] = color end) if not success then warn(("%s is not a valid theme color"):format(name)) end end print("Successfully changed your Script Editor theme!")

Spacey is comprised of 7 main colors.

Color Palette HEX Codes

For those who use Rojo, Argon, or anything else with VSCode, Spacey has a wonderful VSCode plugin, which can be found here

Thanks for reading, I’d love to hear your feedback and your opinions on the



isn’t this just the dracula theme?

otherwise personally it hurts my eyes since everything is just a shade of pink


No, not at all. It’s an original dark theme.
This is Dracula:

This is Spacey:


can u add a part where one can remove the theme?


Sure, I’ll work on that and release it tommorow!

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Not gonna lie, this actually looks fairly good!


Thanks man! I really appreciate it!

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Great theme. love the color palette and the vscode plugin thats attached with it!


Thanks! Hope you find good use for it!


Awesome work my man! Everything is very chill and relaxed. Will you be making any other themes? :thinking:


Thanks for the kind words! I will definitely be making more in the future, I’m already half way done with a plug-in for catppuccin themes!


I also have many more iterations of popular themes across other platforms, along with original creations for this series. I’m almost done with scripting a plugin to easily install themes and reset to the default.

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Which one? Idk which one you mean.

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Nice job! All the colors go really well together and I appreciate the effort you put into this. Can not wait for a plugin with multiple design options!

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(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)

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Thank you! Id love to hear your ideas for themes or themes vscode themes you like if you have any!

Thank you! I’ve been working on the plug-in some more recently, so it shouldn’t be too long before it’s ready for release!

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please, this is not soothing at all.

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why it looks matched to gaming pc monitor, also from seeing here it reduces a brightness on text which is prtty fin but there’s a little confusion here to me.

the light purple text almost got close to the datamodel color here when i blurred the image, I’d like to make it darker or change to any colors for more readability wise it looks cool, gonna replace the theme with it later.

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the one you used for the “Spacey” example

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