Spam clicking the "Start" button on the local server menu has no cooldown; starts a lot of sessions

When you spam click the start button (shown below), it starts a ton of local sessions. This almost crashed my PC.

This made my CPU and Memory usage shoot up to 100%

I ran into this while recording a video for my bug report here.


I’ve ran into this issue quite a bit aswell, it would be nice if they would make it so you can’t click it after the first click until the local test application has been closed or it hasn’t opened after like 20 seconds. Lagged my computer out one time with this aswell.

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This is intended behavior. You can quickly add more than the maximum 8 players to the test server.

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my fairly high-end PC nearly crashed after spiking to 100% CPU and Memory. Also my studio is lagging a ton after that, but idk if thats related FIXED

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Yes, it appears to slow down the system slightly, but it is not severe whatsoever.

However, it would appear that Roblox crashes, not the computer. Something else is definitely not running correctly, however it does not affect the performance outside of Roblox on high-end systems.

Edit: the problem had to do with Roblox running out of memory. Installing the 32-bit version of Roblox studio might fix the issue, as the 32-bit version uses up a significantly less amount of memory.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi, as mentioned by others in the thread, there’s intentional behavior here for devs to be able to launch sets of clients we wouldn’t want to disable. Memory usage is for sure a concern, and we suggest before running a large test that users close unneeded instances of studio or other applications. (We typically see very high usage rates on instances for studio crashes resulting from OOM - rarely happens with just 1). I don’t see an actionable change for us here right now.

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Installing the 32-bit version of Roblox studio might fix the issue, as the 32-bit version uses up a significantly less amount of memory.

We no longer support a 32 bit version of Studio, this was turned down earlier this year. Typically 32 bit instances could not handle more complex places, and would hit their per process memory limit if tried.


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