I’ve been in a few games recently, where someone has a bot auto posting spam messages flooding my screen. One was a game advertisement, and another repeated messages to open a trade with him.
I wanted to report the user, but spam doesn’t seem be to an acceptable offense. I found the only way to stop it was to block the user, but that doesn’t seem realistic. And not everyone will know to do that. I also don’t think blocking a user makes much sense. Perhaps a mute button, spam filter added if not allowing this as an accepted reportable option. Thanks.
Four years later, this issue still persists as can be observed down below.
It’s important to note that spam is in violation with the Roblox Community Standards as shown below:
Most players report spammers under Bullying or Cheating/Exploiting due to this limitation, but it wouldn’t necessarily fall under other categories such as those two in all cases. Consider the case below:
![Screenshot (3528)](//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/5X/9/5/b/d/95bd349ee5b18be41770d02debe7e5aad3769509.png)
I wouldn’t call that bullying or cheating, just a question asked over and over again. Spam is most often committed by sending gibberish and/or the same meaningful phrase(s) constantly, which in most cases don’t violate other rules.
Blocking is a workaround as well as for developers to implement a chat filter but that’s a weak argument as it’s not realistic (not commonly executed) and eliminates the purpose of the report abuse feature. I could counter-argue that you could workaround other common rule violations as well. For instance, again, the developer can implement a chat filter to counter off-site links and personal questions. So, don’t leave out spam, it’s a common rule violation, and I could argue that it’s more commonly encountered than some other violations listed among the choices of rule violations you can choose from for your report.
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