SpawnLocation Bug

overnight I go into my game and I set a few things then I play to test and I do not know why I spawn 10 meters above the spawnlocation and I die of fall and yet nothing explains it :face_with_monocle:

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Hi, what did you change in your scripts?

I didn’t changed any script i just fixed some walls.

make sure the is nothing above you spawnlocation

there is a big space then no there is nothing

do you have a fall damage script??

Yeah that why i die every time, it spawn me 10 meters at the bottom of the SP/roof.

do you have a image of what the space looks like?

i didnt changed anything around, yesterday i spawned perfectly

Ok then. Try to move you script somewhere else to see what happens

i delete the whole serverscriptservice but still happend

delete the spawnpoint and replace one

already tryed but that doesnt fix anything

That basicly what happend to me on every spawn points

The likely explanation is that something is blocking the spawnlocation. Try making sure that there are no invisible walls too close to the spawnlocation.

Then why that do that with all my spawnlocations and all my teams :thinking:

Because there is something wrong with either where your spawnlocation is and the stuff around it, or your character. Maybe your character’s HipHeight is being set very high?

No its not very high, it as been set to 0

Also if i set the spawnlocation in total air, that do the same

robloxapp-20230307-1324493.wmv (59.7 KB)
Here is a video of server vision of the bug