Sphere's getting bigger after union

I’m having an issue with union sphere’s and cylinders together. It seems as if whenever I try to union them together, the spheres get a tad bigger and is extremely obvious. The spheres are the “special mesh” ones where you are able to elongate it

Take a look at this video:

I’ve found this topic from a few years ago regarding the same issue, but the solution for it (disabling CSGv2) no longer seems to be an option in studio settings. Union Bug Using Sphere/Balls

Does anybody know how to fix this issue? It’s never been a problem for me until today. I’ve already tried unioning the parts in a different order and restarting studio.

Why union them anyway? I can’t see a good use for it.

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It’s the payload cap of a rocket. Once I union them I need to cut it in half so they can separate like shown in the picture below. I’m not sure if there is another way to get them to separate in one piece if I don’t union them.
This is a picture of one I made a week ago when I didn’t have this issue.

Technically you could weld them
unless the inside is not empty yet :thinking:
in which case, a mesh might work instead.

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I fixed the issue by going to Beta features and disabling “CSG Version 3”.

This is an issue with CSG3, and we are working on a fix. CSG3 uses a different kind of a ball than CSG2 (Buckyball vs Quadball). Turns out Buckyball does not fit flush with a cylinder. We had reports of this in CSG3 dev forum post, and are currently working on replacing the CSG3 ball by the same type of ball as in CSG2.