Hi, how would I go about spinning out a car model if it touched an object? I don’t know where to even begin either.
Any api or example code would be very helpful! Thank you!
Hi, how would I go about spinning out a car model if it touched an object? I don’t know where to even begin either.
Any api or example code would be very helpful! Thank you!
Could you specify what you mean by “spinning out”?
Here’s an example: In mario kart, if you touch a banana, your kart will spin in a 360 degree rotation a few times which slows you done.
That’s what I need but I don’t even know where to start.
I don’t know how your car works but this could be useful for rotating it
Is the vehicle physics based or scripted?
If its physics based, you could probably set the friction of the wheels to 0 and use a Torque Constraint or something equivalent to rotate the vehicle on its centre axis.
However, if you have a scripted vehicle, you might need to set up a specific function that you trigger.
What exactly the function does depends on how you’re moving the vehicle.
I would assume scripted since it’s from the A-Chassis…?