Split the ShapePartial property for procedural ParticleEmitter shapes into multiple properties

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to understand the new ShapePartial property on ParticleEmitters, and this API design is restrictive to expansion.

  • The ShapePartial property does not make sense because it doesn’t actually produce a partial shape in all cases (i.e. Cylinder and disc radius), it’s more like a single shared modifier; a better name would have perhaps been ShapeModifier. I had to read the announcement to understand what it did, and there is still no official documentation for it. I shouldn’t have to consult documentation to understand what a property means, it should be mostly self-documenting.

  • What happens if a new shape is added that could have more than one control parameter? There is the ability to hide properties that are not relevant to the current property settings, so more understandable and comfortably named properties could have been created for each shape rather than one shared ShapePartial property. This would be way more extensible since it supports more than one control parameter.

The ShapePartial property should be deprecated and replaced with several conditionally shown properties that rely on the chosen shape.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would not have to look at the documentation every time I need to work with ParticleEmitter shapes.

I left a reply about this on the announcement thread to no response.