Sponsored Experiences moving to Ads Manager

Bring back the old system. This one is awful, expensive, and inconsistent.


This is just weird to me. I prefered when it used normal robux. The given excuse of using the same rate as dev-ex doesn’t hold water - transferring my robux into yet another currency makes no sense. Didn’t we remove Tix for a reason? Now we’re adding in an arbitrary dev currency just to make it feel “1:1” with the dev-ex rate? Weird.

Also the fact that I have to read so much new information just to run a sponsor ad.
This is a failure in UX, no doubt about it. Non-self-explanatory new systems that do nothing but hinder developers. I don’t understand who thought this was a good idea on roblox’s end, but they should likely rethink their approach.

My brain literally hurts trying to use this system. The concept of “Campaigns”, the fact the UI is HUGE on some pages and makes me feel as though i’m on a tablet even though i’m on desktop, the fact the price now feels meaningless to me as it doesn’t even show me the conversion rate of the robux it should be, it’s just…

Guys. This is awful, recognize that.

What does this even mean? I have literally no idea. The information doesn’t do a good job at informing me, despite using so many words.

It uses a lot of similar terminology right next to each other, confusingly - Showing ‘Cost Per Play’ but also stating things like this after:
“Your max bid for CPM is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay every thousand times your ad is seen by the user. A higher CPM can increase the chances of winning the auction, but it also means you’ll pay more.”

…Which I feel is a term-spaghetti that only confuddles the usefulness.
Is this a ‘Cost Per Play’ max bid, or a ‘Cost per 1000 impressions’ max bid? Where does CPM come into play?

I am literally clawing at my hair trying to figure out this system and what it means.
I am going to have to make the un-educated decision selecting this number. Do I leave it at 0.05 like is default? Do I put it at 10 like in the screenshot on the documentation page? Do I have ANY WAY of making an informed decision here???


paragaphs of paragraphs of reading that both doesn’t properly prepare me for this significant change, and yet, also manages to be long, wordy, and drawn out.

Excuse me?

I have never been more de-motivated to use roblox advertising. I used to use this system casually, at will, when I needed players in games. In a few minutes I could have a sponsored ad up.

Now I have to make Useless ‘Campaigns’, adding extra details I don’t need. Ad sets? What is all of this? I want a single ad and you’re making me jump through 50 hoops and do literal guess work to make a single sponsor ad - Of which there is only one mode of existence to - Displaying as a sponsored game - with no variation or need for “ad sets” with?

I can get ad sets and campaigns for multi-image large scale ads, but for a single game with a sponsorship ad, where there’s only ever the single game and single sponsorship… Where do we benefit by having campaigns and ad sets? Surely these simply slow down the sponsor process?

Panic-inducing levels of cloudy information, in my opinion. It feels like the walls are closing in just by looking at this tragically designed, poorly thought out, intrusive new advertising page.

…Seriously though, WHY do I need a FULL CAMPAIGN for a SINGLE AD?

This is how my ad campaign current looks because I cannot be bothered with this system.
I have one game. I want to make ONE sponsored ad for. Do you have a problem with that, roblox? Do I need to be making like a dozen different complex ads and sets for them to be considered valid to you, roblox? Because that is how this system makes me feel.


I should not be forced to have 3 seperate tabs with 3 seperate named items to look at for a single ad. It is… it’s… it’s just…
I should stop my critique now or things are going to get very mean. Whomever designed this needs to take a vacation, I feel, and come back clear headed. I’m not dealing with 3 separate instances/Tabs of Ad Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad, when all I want is a single sponsorship ad.


I’ve gotten refunds for bad moderation during sponsorships before, so i’d definitely press them on the appeals if this is true.

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Oh yeah forgot to say I got a refund of ad credits


100% working as intended. not broken at all. thanks roblox

love it when spending MORE money per click gets you less impressions than spending less…

literally a dice roll on if the platform decides to push your ads. this isn’t it.


Just ran a sponsor for 20 credits, 0.01 max bid, after 3 hours it has 1 impression.
I don’t know what to say or what to do at this point…


Its an afwul idea to force small developers to pay 2.8k robux just for sponsoring their game,this update will make them achive their dreams and help improving Roblox 10x harder.Please revert back to old system and ease small devs progress.


When this sponsor system works, it’s actually better (cheaper) to advertise with than the old system.

However the delivery system right now is far too inconsistent; sometimes all your ad credits will be used within a few hours and sometimes you get a handful of impressions and the campaign ends with only 5% of your budget being spent.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon as it is in the financial interests of Roblox to do so.


I’m also having this problem would like some help, I did the default bid max…


What type of ad settings are people seeing this system work well with?

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I seem to have more luck with 0.01 as my max bid. Got 5 impressions yesterday with a bid of 0.02… ran same ad again today but at 0.01 again and I’m getting normal amounts of impressions/plays.

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New system isn’t to bad to be honest

Max bid was 0.01

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@MasterDaniel Im getting nothing with 0.01… Does your on/off button show blue? Mine is on, but grey…
What does this mean? image


It’s never blue ! That’s what I still hate with this feature


@pr1nczss 's image shows blue on/off so this greyed out “on” button has to have some kinda of reason behind it, because im getting 0-5 impressions with 0.01 bid…

Were you able to get any good impressions out of your ad? Did the on button ever turn blue eventually? @Ryxku ?


Yeah they are blue. That is a bit weird.

These are my two recent sponsors, the first one is 0.01 bid and the second 0.02.

I think there might be an issue related to specifying the audience of the ad. The first has literally all boxes ticked (all ages, all genders, all locations) whereas the second was 3 ad sets of various locations. I have had a previous sponsor work correctly with 9 different ad sets so it might be either a new (recent) issue related to this or a red herring.


Ok I am gonna try an all everything ad and see how it goes, thanks for the help.


Also I found the source of the blue / grey on button issue. If your ad account has the “Create” button in the upper right greyed out from not enough ad credits. All the on/off buttons will also be grey. Once I put ad credits into my account all the “On” buttons and “Create” button turned blue lol

@Ryxku Lemme know if that fixed it for you too


Hell is this corporate shit supposed to be :skull:


I’m about to drop 10k robux on a sponsor, however after reading the replies I’m skeptical and might halt on it for now. Is the system working now, are the impressions worth it? Is it still broken?

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Before this update, there would be an enormous amount of ad travel on roblox during Friday-Sunday since most of the users would be online. This means that your ad would be seen less. Since you ran it on 11/07/2023 (Tuesday) there weren’t as many ads being run compared to the weekend, thus allowing your ad to be seen more often. I believe they still have that current system. I strongly recommend running it during the middle of the week if it gets you more clicks, it’s a no brainer. Good luck though!

It seems to be working as long as you do all genders, all locations, all ages etc. The ones where I specify where/who it only gets like 5 impressions instead of thousands.