Sponsored Experiences moving to Ads Manager

also if i can ask, what day(s) did you run this ad? and can u also show your game logo?



I had similar results to you. Looking at everyone else’s results, it seems our CPP bid was much higher. Next time I will definitely bid around 0.01 CPP.

yeah i also was thinking the same thing, thanks man

Not sure if it’s the roblox algorithms fault or with this new ad system but I had a game which peaked at around 165 concurrent go to 0 within 6 hours after the ad concluded.

With the old sponsorship system i was able to push my games out instantly and get a peak of 130-180 concurrent after spending around 10,000 robux and then maintain a decent 30-50 concurrent the next day. Also the old system costed me 3x less as I got 0.95 CPP.

Something needs to change.

A free model game I made 3 years ago is receiving 20x more home recommendations than a game I released a 2 weeks ago despite having 4.8 minute avg session time, 3.47% retention, and a 2.87% home recommendation conversation rate.

free model game (haven’t spent ads on in months)
Game I released 2 weeks ago (spent over 80 ad credits or 22,000 R$)

And the game I released 2 weeks ago has 11.5 minute avg session time, 7.67% retention, and a 3.25% home recommendation conversation rate is getting 0 push by the roblox algorithm only 133 impressions which was likely inflated since I ran ads on that day.

I keep getting high CCU’s every time I run ads and always go down to 0 no matter how high of a concurrent I get, I got 200 recently and then fell to 0 in 8 hours after the ad concluded and stayed at 0-4 concurrent threw out the day it was never like this with the old sponsorship system I always maintained a decent concurrent the next day when I spent over 10k robux on sponsors.

And it’s not just for me one of my friends who released a new game recently, he only used the ad manager to grow his game, and despite having good stats, good icon, and good home recommendations conversation rate his game is receiving similar results to me

goes to show how horrible the ads manager is if I spent the same amount on my new game on sponsors before this update I would have likely had 50-80 concurrent regularly, possibly more.


same with me.game went back down to 0 lol smh waste of R$

I just tried out this system and still have no clue how it works. I put 35 ad credits down on a singular advertisement and it only spent about 3 credits. The next advertisement later, it spent the same if not lower than before.

Besides that, I’ve noticed record low impressions. At this point, I may switch back to regular ads.


This new Ads Manager is amazing! It’s gotten me so many more visits within a few hours than the old version.

I just got a deal with Robux from an investor, and I didn’t even know this Ads Manager thing existed until right now…

This isn’t good at all.

I understand you want to expand your ways of advertising on ROBLOX, however, you guys have made it so confusing, and somehow executed it so poorly to the point where backlash will never go away unless it’s turned back to the old ways.

First thing I want to mention is that the conversion rate is god awful, no way I should be spending 285 ROBUX for 1 singular ad credit that can and will be used to HOPEFULLY get one or two players. The fact that you have to spend essentially triple to quadruple of what you would’ve normally spent on an ad to get the same results as me putting in 40 ROBUX worth of ads before this update is just insane.

This also barely scratches the fact that you’re not even guaranteed a good sum of players in your game, half the time, you’ll see maybe 2 people play it out of the couple hundreds clicks you could get.

If you take a look at some of albert/flamingo videos where he creates fake, knock-off games, he would spend up to 20k and get a pretty solid amount of players playing the game after a few hours of it being up. Now, you’ll need to spend at least 30-40k, maybe way more just to hope that you’ll get somewhere around there.

Please also explain why a user-created ad I made in 2019 that I spent 40-80 ROBUX on at the time allowed my game to surpass 104,000 visits within the span of a month or so? But for some reason now, I’d have to spend a crap ton more just to get less than what my ad gave me for my game back then?

Sponsoring was a golden way of getting players to play your game if you couldn’t get user-created advertisements to work, and for most people, they personally experienced better results for their game.

To also add on to what @Toast mentioned, there shouldn’t be a reason as to why spending more is somehow worse than spending less:

Same goes with what @Maxwell_Edison mentioned as well here, the wording of everything is confusing and it seems like it would be only directed to people who know a little more about ROBLOX advertising which can easily turn newer game developers away.

Now sure, this could easily be fixed, and will probably settle down like every other update has within the past 5+ years, however, ROBLOX is destroying their own website slowly but surely, just to meet standards set by other corporations that give them money, and to stay “modern” like they do.

Terrible update in my honest opinion.


One more thing I forgot to add, there is no reason I should be spending 2.8k robux just to meet minimum advertising requirements.


especially considering I can spend only 200 robux and recieve 16k impressions and more clicks than i would when spending 2.8k


yeah realistically no matter how I look at it, this new ad system is pretending to be more powerful than the old sponsor system but clearly is just worse in pretty much every metric as well as being incredibly user unfriendly :confused:

I hope this doesn’t impact the next game I release too badly. It’s going to be annoying to get sponsored ads set up at all, where as before it was just a few clicks now it is like dozens of clicks and poor understanding


same here, I spent 500 robux for ~61,000 impressions.
Just recently I spent about 5700 for about ~15,000 impressions


I can’t run Visits campaign anymore because suddenly the only option I have is Awareness, a few days ago it worked perfectly


Got the exact same thing here.

It gave me the option for “Visits” a few minutes ago but then I refreshed the page because it wasn’t showing my experiences now its stuck showing an option only for “Awareness”

bit upsetting cos I just bought like 100 ads credits. :face_exhaling:


When you click on steps above Campaign Objective like 2. Ad Set and go back to 1. Ad, you’ll have option to choose visits but you can’t select any game to sponsor

I really need this fixed, can’t keep sponsoring my game in which I tried to keep consistent ccu to see how retention and other stats will look


Thank you! I was able to get back to being able to use the Visits option but like you said, the games list is not working.

I went to the F12 Log and got some info to maybe help engineers/staff if they see this post

More Info

This endpoint seems to be the issue for the Experiences not listing properly https://apis.roblox.com/ads-management-api/v1/universes

rpc error: code = Internal desc = AMA-0011: internal server error. Failed to call list universe handler to GetCreatorUniverses endpoint. rpc error: code = NotFound desc = AMA-0008: Bad request: [AMA-0000: client failed with error.] Client:[UniverseServiceClient] [Call to universe service failed. Operation: /v1.0/GetCreatorUniverses, Error: Request returned a non-OK status] statusCode: [500]"}}

Hopefully this gets resolved really soon.


They should “resolve” this by just getting rid of it. They’ve basically quadrupled the complexity of making a sponsored ad by this forced mediocre “campaign” setup that very clearly isn’t actually helping anyone’s game get any more views or plays. I don’t know if I buy the claims that it’s hurting people’s games, but the fact that I have to basically make a giant multi-page campaign of settings before putting a single sponsored ad for a single day is just stupid and annoying.

Bring back simple ads or bust! I don’t need this nonsense!


This is still a problem.

This is a major problem…