Sponsored game ad window lets you repeatedly spend R$ without closing

I’ve recently bid 10k into my roblox group game Kingdom Frontier when this bug happened.


Putting it shortly, the bug in cause is related to game sponsorship, where some times (actual cause is unknown to me) pressing Run won’t result in anything. When Run is pressed, the box doesn’t close, nor does any sort of notification show that the robux was spent and that the sponsor is running. This allows you to run the initial bid, and have whatever amounts you have at the textbox added to the Total Bid without actually bidding that robux, resulting in lost/ghosted robux.

Extra details

Well, first things first, I had about 30K (more or less) Robux in my account when I ran the 10k sponsors. I’d like to note that sponsors work as expected, but do have this issue that results in the ghosting of robux under the scenario of the user pressing Bid multiple times before it’s done processing the initial bid.

What happened was I put 10000 (10K) into the bid text box, and pressed run. When I did so, the bidding screen “froze” (didn’t close) and I waited for a bit. As it kept stuck but everything else was responsive (hover animations on the Run button and so on) I pressed run again thinking it was, well, perhaps just a misclick. However, as I pressed it (and I’m pretty sure I pressed it by then), it remained the same yet again. That’s when I did what I know now was the mistake of pressing Run multiple times hoping for it to work. The definition of insanity

I refreshed the page then, and what happened was something I wasn’t expecting. I quickly noticed my robux had dropped to less than 100 and that all of my 30K was spent on the sponsor, when I initially only wanted 10K spent on it.

Now, I wouldn’t complain about this as it was most probably my fault for pressing the Run button multiple times when it was unresponsive, if not for the fact that only 10K actually were ran in the ads, and that the other 20K were sumed to the “Total bid” but were never ran.

Right, the sponsors ended 24 hours after, and only the 10K were being ran during the whole time. Now I have 20K R$ sent down the toilet.

You might be asking how I can be sure that only 10K R$ ran: the answer is simple, the bid stat of the sponsor always said stated 10K, not 20K or 30K, while the Total Bid stat did always state “Total Bid: 30K+”.

(P.S.: I emailed roblox through their Customer Care service. I got a reply talking about gamepasses and dev products (???) instead of anything helpful)



Device info

  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36
  • Platform Type: PC
  • Device Type: Computer

The game in cause: