Hi there y’all! Name’s Scripter_Rickster (or you can just call me Rick). I noticed that there isnt many admin panels (for free) on the Roblox platform therefore I decided to create a admin panel. I introduce to you, the 'SR Admin Panel, a admin panel that is extremely easy to use and setup whilst being a efficient and a definitely useful admin panel. The panel is extremely customizable as well, whether that’s the UI itself all the way to the core features, such as commands.
A Sleek and Customizable UI
Important Commands (Such as Ban, Unban, Freeze, Team, etc), Along With The Ability To Add Your Own Commands.
A Config File (Which includes Discord Webhook Compatibility & Logging, Group Ranks , Ban List, etc)
Non Obfuscated & Organized Code (Which is very easy to edit)
Very Simple Setup (Place the files in the places labelled by the model names or use the plugin and then just edit the config file to your liking and you’re good to go! )
Secure Admin System Environment
Command, Report & Announcement Cooldowns (Customizable)
Built In “Overhead” Tag System That Can Easily Be Modified.
Built In “Modlog” System So That Way You’re Able to View What Moderation Actions Were Issued on a User.
Ability to Add or Utilize “Global” Commands (means a command that applies to all servers under a game).
Admin System Supports and Works In Private Servers.
Built In “Help System” That Allows Staff to be Notified If a Player Requests Help.
Trello API Connections (Can only be used for ranking staff members and bans)
Rank Structure (Therefore you cannot use commands on those who are ranked higher than you)
Mobile Compatibility (Meaning it can be used on mobile devices, including tablets)
Ability To Use Commands In The Default Chat Systems On ROBLOX (This function can be enabled or disabled within the config file)
Supports the creation of custom ranks for the admin system / panel
Ability To Choose Custom Backgrounds Or Add Your Own For The Admin Panel.
Ability To Flag Other Staff Members In Case Abuse Is Noticed (This function is currently only limited to staff members, however logs are sent to the communications server if the webhook function is enabled for whenever a staff member is flagged for a certain reason)
Supports The Latest Version of Textchatservice Along With Legacychatservice As Well.
Latest Update:
- [V4]
- Global commands support.
- “Modlog” system to keep track of infractions issued to other users.
- Updated webhook system to feature embeds instead of normal messages.
- New in-game “Help” system integrated into the admin system that would allow staff members to teleport to players who are in need of assistance.
- New overhead staff tag system that helps players identify which players are actually staff or not. These overhead tags can be enabled / disabled and can be fully disabled if the game owner and developer(s) do not wish to have this system.
- More built-in API’s that can be referenced and modified to the user’s liking.
- Ability to bind gamepasses to ranks.
- Ability to bind multiple groups instead of just being forced to bind 1 group.
- Ability to now set durations for bans.
- Private Server support.
- More bug fixes and whatnot.
Active Notices:
- This admin system has been discontinued.
Next Update Description / Progress:
- Admin system has been discontinued, so any pending updates have all been cancelled and scrapped.
Frequently Asked Questions:
“Why has this admin system been discontinued?” → I currently no longer have enough time to maintain this admin system. Luckily for you guys, the code is unobfuscated, meaning that you are free to modify and distribute fixed versions of the system for free if you wish to do so. Selling any version(s) of this admin system is not permitted. I may one day come back to update the admin system, however currently I do not have time to update or maintain this admin system, therefore rendering this admin system as discontinued.
“Why is my plugin not working?” → Your plugin is most likely not working due to your plugin version being outdated, spamming the “close” button which may cause an error, or Roblox being down, which may cause core services to not work. Another possibility is due to the limitations of Roblox’s “InsertService” feature. You might have to get the model you wish to install first (Either stable or canary) before utilizing the plugin. If both options don’t work, then create a support ticket within the communications server.
“Why is my admin system not working” → 99% of the time, it is because you didn’t enable “HTTP Services” and “Access to API Services”, which can be found within the “Security” tab of your game settings. Make sure that you’ve also installed the system correctly (if you’re using the plugin, then you should have no issues with the installation). If this doesn’t solve the problem, then make sure you create a support ticket within the communication server.
Informational Links:
SR Admin Version 4.0.S8P2 (STABLE)
SR Admin Version 4.0.C8P4 (CANARY) -
SR Admin Plugin -
GitHub Repository:
Click here to go to the SR Admin Panel’s GitHub Repo -
Support Server:
Click here to join SR Studio’s
Please keep in mind that the support server is still in development, therefore things are expected to change until completion -
Admin System Testing Place:
Click here to be re-directed to the SR Admin System Testing Place -
Installation tutorial:
Click here to view the installation tutorial for both the plugin and the model
Most Recent Changes:
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Patched a major vulnerability seen in versions 4.0.S8P1 and 4.0.C8P3. Also uncommented certain areas of the code for the track command after forgetting to do so when it was being tested. Also updated the TrelloAPI file to a newer version than before.
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Added in “Track” & “Untrack” commands in versions 4.0.S8P0 and 4.0.C8P2. Also fixed the ban and unban commands not working in chat, along with adding a dropdown section when typing in a user’s username in the admin panel.
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Fixed the property “ResetOnSpawn” on certain UI’s being enabled instead of disabled, along with fixing a potential issue with chatlogs. Also made it so now you can ban people who are not in your game. Also fixed issues with the chat command for the unban command not working.
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Made a few changes in 4.0.S6P1 & 4.0.C6P1 → Made a few changes, mainly applying to chat commands where they will no longer be falsely detected as it now checks to ensure that the prefix is actually at the beginning of your command rather than somewhere random within your text. This update also helps determine if the “server” owner is either a group or an actual user when the embeds are being sent into your server(s).
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Made a few changes in 4.0.S6P0 & 4.0.C6P0 → Patched a major vulnerability that was discovered in version 4.0.S5P0 & version 4.0.C5P0. Also updated the embeds to now feature direct links to users and games, along with identifying the server owner and type.
[SR Admin System Stable & Canary Version Update] Made a few changes in 4.0.S5P0 & 4.0.C5P0 → Added private server support and fixed a bunch of bugs that appeared in the previous update.
Required Permissions For The Admin Panel To Function:
- “Allow HTTP Requests”
- “Allow Access To API Services”
Current / Reported Bugs:
- N/A
Past Developers:
- Adonis Admin (For their flight script).