SRSCK Download mirror

This is just a download mirror for Semi Realistic Storm Chasing Kit here.
This might seem useless now but it will be useful in the long run

Tornado Kit 1.0.0.rbxm (3.8 KB)

Tornado Kit 1.10.rbxm (29.7 KB)

1.10 (1.12 beta, rain only)
Storm System 1.11 (1.12 beta).rbxm (5.9 KB)

1.11.1 (1.12 beta, rain and tornado)
1.11.1 (alot of ones, i know).rbxm (123.8 KB)

srsck_112.rbxm (197.9 KB)

SRSCK_113.rbxm (82.5 KB)

I am actively working on more, and listening to suggestions which you can post on the original page.


I’m very excited for 1.12, I might even use it in Aerial just cause it looks amazing.
Thanks for making this for the forum, everyone appreciates it.

Love these! Really excited for 1.12!

I’m sorry, 1.12 WAS delayed because i HAD other things. Development will continue.

Leaks: Bulletin board changelog
Full damage rating system
Changing tornado meshes
Will release alongside my game, PA (project alabama)
Its the SRSCK’s 1.20!

Development will be delayed for a LONG time if i don’t get this garbage fixed.

OH BOY O BOY ITS HERE! A beta-alpha mixture has arrived in the form of an official 1.12 release!

If im gonna be honest, it was delayed so much because i kinda forgot about it.

Is it possible that you could maybe make a whole storm development system. By the way I think all these are great. Thanks.

Very possible, however i would need a large baseplate and a UI system and allat

Would you like a large amount of baseplates I have? And if you want you could just use simple gui frames.

I already have all of that. The system is in development alongside my game so i have a lot of stuff. I am actually working on it right now.

EDIT: Sorry for the late reply

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Do you have any idea on when you think 1.13 will be released?

mmh idk, my laptops pretty low rn so it might take a while. maybe mid august if we’re lucky

I meant low like potato pc workstation laptop from 2011 and i just realized its way past mid august