As a roblox developer, it is currently a very painful & tedious task to put up Christmas lights on buildings and such. Also, it is impossible to have realistic particle grass because the particles are always removing. Here’s how I suggest we fix this.
-Add a “Pause” button to the ParticleEmitter. This will make it pause where it is at, and not add/remove, etc. any of its particles that the emitter is managing. This would allow us devs to quickly create realistic particle terrain (grass), or things such as Christmas lights. To demonstrate what this sort of thing would look like, I used a particleEmitter and took some screenshots. Here are the results:
Sorry about the low quality grass texture btw, I couldn’t find one that looked more realistic with a quick search
Anyways, the point Is that if we can freeze our particleEmitters and make them stop adding/removing, it will speed up the building process for everyone.
One more note: This probably should be its own thread but I’ll include it in here anyways; Can we have U/V Scaling of our particleEmitter textures? Thanks!