I’m an obby builder with a year of experience, and here’s my review.
Spoiler: I do not like it at all
First of all, the UI and the text design is just… Ugly. It’s obvious you just used a bunch of free models, which normally I don’t mind (like the spectate model), but the lack of care in at least changing things up a bit annoys me a lot.
It makes it more obvious you used free models considering when you look in the developer console, it looks like the game is consistently trying to sell me a gamepass, most likely a scam. I’ve looked into it, and the UserID’s inventory looks like this.
Stage 1 is, simple, like it says, but it’s also very boring. The random switch from 2d to 3d text is also inconsistent. The repetitive jumps above the lava is also really boring and just lazy, with the inconsistent spaces in between the jumps just showing it.
Here’s the extremely apparent design problems in it.

The sizes are, imma say it again, inconsistent. The left of it isn’t even correctly sized, it’s off the ledge by about 0.1 studs. In the 2nd image, it just shows even more incorrectly sized parts.

This truss section is so off, Why are the trusses so far apart?
This is just laziness. The font just changes, for some reason, and the distance between the parts is just so random. Not to mention, the lava part isn’t even aligned.
Terrible attempt at trying to make a curve. Use this to make curves in the future. Also just an entire walking section.
Well that was Stage 1.. And there's already so much wrong. What's next on stage 2-- why is there fnf music playing
It’s nothing much different, more extremely basic jumps.

are you trying to kill me with boredom or something. at least make your jumps more advanced than what ever this is
not to mention, its also very lazily built. Shocker?

The only exciting and creative part of the obby. Ride an unanchored ball, it’s exciting and actually spices up this snoozefest.
Why is there still FNF music. Please choose music that actually fits the game. My god.
We got more basic jumps, EXCEPT! EXCEPT THEY’RE FORCEFIELD BALLS! Wow! Also, why is there just a floating ball down there?
What’s the point of this? You can just skip it.

A billion headhitters. So fun and exciting and innovative (sarcasm). Once again, PLEASE try to make your obstacles actually interesting.
This hard to spot instant kill brick is annoying and frustrating, which may be the point of this obby. In that case, it’s succeeding way too well. However, I’d like obbies to be more fun than turning me into a wild chimpanzee out of rage. This is just… why?

This killbrick spinner is very obviously scripted, which is not good, especially for users with high ping. PLEASE use a better alternative like CylindricalConstraint.

At least there’s a sight of wrap arounds, and they’re not too bad but they’re not creative whatsoever. The insta kb wrap around feels kinda random too.
Another thing is the constant misalignments… Agh.
Stage 4 is where I just quit. I know what I’m getting myself into, a constant loophole of unfun gameplay and stuff that will just drive me insane. Here’s some tips:
Actually care about the game. It’s very clear this was very carelessly made, every stage looks like it was whipped up in about 2-5 minutes.
There are so many free models that it doesn’t even feel like you’ve been developing for 5 minutes, despite your bio saying you have been for 2-3. I think with that experience, you’d be able to actually create something decent.
If I have anything to say, I gotta say no matter how much you pay me I wouldn’t continue playing this.
I can’t believe the people in this ever dared to give this at least above a 6/10. Sorry if I was too harsh.