Status Value not showing on gui

I have a killer game but i need two players to start the round. The round system works but the GUI says status instead of the message I wrote which is that 2 players are needed to start the game.
When there is only 1 player it just shows “status” The other GUIs work I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
In replicated storage the status value was changed but the GUI does not.

Screenshot (231)
Screenshot (232)

-- Server
	if #game.Players:GetPlayers() < PlayersToStart then
			print(PlayersToStart.."Players are needed to start the round!")
			Status.Value = PlayersToStart.."Players are needed to start the round!"
		until #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= PlayersToStart
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Status = replicatedStorage.Values:WaitForChild("Status")

	script.Parent.ScreenGui.GameStatus.Text = Status.Value

Hey! Would you be able to add a print inside of the getpropertychanged and let me know if that prints?
And if so, are you making sure that you’re accessing the correct gui and changing the correct items text?

use Status.Changed instead, and it will sort the Value as an arg like so

script.Parent.ScreenGui.GameStatus.Text = val

It did not print anything when i tried but I think it is because it is a local script.

using .changed gave the same result as getpropertychanged

that wouldn’t fix the problem, but when if you’re able to use the Changed Event use it instead of GetPropertyChangedSignal.
also try to add a print after the value changes and see if the localscript detects it.

do i put the print in the local script or server script

local script after it detects when the value changes.

i put it after the value change line. It is not printing anything.

can you put it outside? and check if it prints?

It does when i put it outside.

I also found out that using changed breaks all the gui

I already had a similar problem, the issue is replicatedstorage you can try to put the “status” in the workspace to see if it works.

I tried it didn’t work sadly it was working with propertychangedsignal pretting odd how it breaks with changed

Did you find a solution? The strange thing about all this is that your change script with propertychangedsignal works correctly for me

maybe cuz you’re just spamming the status value try putting the status value outside of the repeat loop

if #game.Players:GetPlayers() < PlayersToStart then
			Status.Value = PlayersToStart.."Players are needed to start the round!"
			print(PlayersToStart.."Players are needed to start the round!")
		until #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= PlayersToStart

nope it still just says status :frowning: no errors also

Try to change it directly from the server, it’s kind of bad, but that’s what we have

if #game.Players:GetPlayers() < PlayersToStart then
		print(PlayersToStart.." Players are needed to start the round!")
		local Children = game.Players:GetChildren()
		for i = 1, #Children do
			Children[i].PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GameStatus.Text = PlayersToStart.." Players are needed to start the round!"
	until #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= PlayersToStart

tysm! it worked i had to add a wait for child though.

Great, I hope you have a good job. :+1: