Stop Referring Forum Moderation to Support Emails

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to know what to actually do about appealing forum moderation. This is because at the end of forum moderation messages, it says the following:

If you wish to appeal this action, please reach out to Support - Roblox under Moderation > Appeal Account or Content dropdown menu with a link to this message.

This message is not only wrong, as told to me by forum moderators and support emails, but furthers the sentiment of a one-sided moderation system. If I deem a moderation to be wrong, Iā€™m supposed to do the following:

Please make sure to send questions and appeals about flagged posts to [the] DevEngagementTeam [group].

The quote above is from here, which was included with the cookie-cutter forum moderation note:

For more information on flagging posts and how it works, please read this topic.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I would genuinely know how to deal with what I deem wrongful moderation.


This is incorrect, Support - Roblox is the right avenue for forum appeals.

The post at was outdated. Iā€™ve updated it.

Thanks for letting us know.


Please private message me if this is still happening so I can follow up internally to make sure all of our folks are aware that Support - Roblox is the right avenue. We changed this somewhere in the past couple years and itā€™s possible some of our systems have outdated messaging on this part. Specific links / text copy / screenshots would help with resolving this.


uuhhhh how is roblox support the right avenue for forum appeals? I tried appealing to them at Oct '22 when my topic was taken down (it was flagged for removal months later) and they assumed I was talking about UGC, then I told them that it was to appeal the devforum post and they said about the forum which I already know, I told them that, and they told me about the forum again


Just to clarify, is the correct category for appealing forum moderation ā€˜appeal accountā€™?

Thereā€™s not an option for the ā€˜forumsā€™. It sounds a little odd to put ā€˜appeal accountā€™ as itā€™s not the ā€˜accountā€™ specifically and ā€˜appeal contentā€™ requires me to input an ā€˜asset idā€™.


Please re-read my messages above, Support - Roblox is the right place and I asked to provide me privately with more info if you get told that itā€™s not. Thank you.

October 2022 is not very recent so if you have recent experiences please message me.

ā€œAppeal Accountā€ is correct and should be used whenever ā€œAppeal Contentā€ doesnā€™t seem appropriate.