Strange "exploiting" bans

We understand that it seems unjust at first glance. However, ownership of an experience does not give one the right to violate the TOS. Detections don’t trigger on processes that are not protected by Hyperion, so the argument that the client process was not modified at runtime is very difficult to support. Having said all that, once we ban a user, it is out of our hands, and the only way to have any hope of adjustment is to appeal the ban.

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Lol so you’re saying its his fault for getting banned for zero reason at all. Do you even know what serverside scripts are?

I am saying there is plenty of reason. Just because exploiters don’t feel it is fair, or a user unknowingly cheated, doesn’t mean they don’t have to deal with the consequences. So far, every single one of the claims we have received has turned out to be incorrect. If you feel that you or your friends are treated unfairly and you have proof that the ban was unjustified, once again, appeal the ban. Arguing on the forum is not going to change anything.

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I’m not trying to argue. I’m simply asking you if you are aware what serverside scripts are on Roblox.

Serverside scripts are modules uploaded to roblox and ran as a require. [ require(assetid).loadname(“username”) ].

These things are harmless to players and can in no way, shape, or form destroy roblox. Obviously people use it for malicious things like serverside executors. But these were used in private games where no one else has access to. I’m trying to understand how using the :s command on Adonis admin could trigger hyperion when it doesn’t do anything that an actual executor could do. It was also with ONE specific serverside script that we had.

The asset that was used in the game was:

RobloxGT25’s Hub Script/ Retro GUI

(I’m unable to get the link at this current time due to my buddy being offline. When he’s on, I’ll provide the link.)

This asset was apparently “in his game” and apparently condoned cheating and exploiting, yet we never showed any of the things we were doing to anyone else.

In conclusion, the asset was never implemented into the game but used with the :s command on “Adonis Admin” which you may know as an admin module for roblox games. Using that command shouldn’t set off Hyperion at all, but for some reason it does and it gives a full ban.

Found the alleged discord of the UserId you sent me through their bio.

You should probably provide more information (like the user) in the post next time, but if you have any other argument feel free to tell me, it could be a wrong account or something (it was proven active since atleast yesterday, so) and I totally understand.

Edit: Although he was found in multiple exploiting servers, this is allegedly to get updates on them ig, and allegedly the e-mail provided an asset. Being in exploiting servers is not enough to prove someone guilty, (i used to be in them to check mutuals and see if others were in exploiting servers) I just pointed it out because it’s suspicious when getting this type of ban.


I know anyone else working at roblox probably won’t read or acknowledge this post I’m about to make but:

Thanks for actually replying to stuff like moderation, even if it’s in a negative light. Most of the time, people who work at roblox and are on the forum typically hide when there are such topics like this.

If you could, please inform other roblox employees to do the same. It’s really helpful.


I’ve heard and seen that roblox’s system apparently “forgives” bans after some time? Is that true?

Like maybe after a few months, if you are clean and haven’t had moderation for a while roblox will restart you from a warning/1 day ban if your last one was a 3 day ban? And it continues every few months until your slate is wiped clean?

And is there some sort of radar system where if you are moderated in some way the system will follow you for quite a few weeks/months before letting you off its radar?

It’s been like this for a while, I think the timeframe is a year now, as he stated somewhere in a previous post. Not sure if this applies to just exploiting bans or all bans.

The time frame is now a year, though the past bans my friend got were false.

These statements seem contradictory to me or I am just miscomprehending you, do you mind elaborating? Because I thought your team does not receive the “I didn’t exploit claims” but rather the Appeals team.

They don’t have a real appeals team, it’s all just bots. His team does SEE the claims but they don’t give support on them at all.

Our team does not receive or deal with appeals. However, we are responsible for ensuring that the bans we issue are not false positives, so we must have proof before we ban. Due to some very vocal individuals, we have been asked to review some of the records again. For context, while I understand that account termination is an extremely unpleasant experience, the fact is that only about ~0.5% of all banned accounts have been terminated, making the number of investigations manageable.

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Is it possible for me to message you regarding my situation, if possible?

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> speaking to roblox employee
“yeah bro do you even know what server scripts are”

Well he never spoke up and defended himself on it so lol

Plus he ignored everything that I was saying, Bitdancer never knows how to handle situations like this.

Bitdancer handles these situations quite well, in my opinion, considering the demeanor emanating from your and others’ responses.

As Bitdancer stated in a previous post, you don’t get punished for a single detection since they don’t see that as sufficient evidence.

And regarding your argument about ignoring your rude remarks and comments, why don’t you send the moderator note attached to your friend’s ban? You seem to ignore this request frequently, which gives me the impression that your friend was correctly punished due to the lack of proof of where your friend was detected cheating.

Based on what you’ve provided and what others have found, your friend was banned not for the “require executor” you were using but for other offenses.

I assume most people would appreciate it if you were more kind about this situation and elaborated when asked rather than talking down to people and ignoring requests for crucial evidence to prove your friend was wrongfully banned.

Now I understand if you wish not to share this as it can be viewed as “confidential” or “private” but that does not change the perceived legitimacy of your friend being wrongfully punished, and you could also have stated you didn’t wish to rather than ignoring the requests entirely.

Thanks for reading, hope to see you improve.

So what you clearly can’t understand is my friend was banned for 1 day over and over before for “exploiting.” The asset they banned him for was like “Retro’s GUI” or something.

He did in fact get banned for a require executor and he made a ticket, roblox support later said they couldn’t provide any information.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems the ban was not related to Hyperion but rather a correct moderation as it is known that “Ultimate Trolling GUIs” and stuff of the like (which is what I assume “Retro’s GUI” is) aren’t permitted to be uploaded as assets or used in games.

I do not know why they aren’t permitted since I don’t dabble in that sort of stuff, but people have had their accounts terminated/punished for this in the past.