Strange texture seaming on model

Anyone know how I can fix this? I am losing my mind lol

It is strange grey lines that I have no idea what it is, doesn’t happen in Maya

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Looks to me like something like an effect that is being put on the model when you export it from Maya. Studio, to my knowledge, would never do something like that so it’s probably a Maya issue. I use Blender though, so I do not have too much insight.

Roblox shading, unfortunately. It’s not a problem from afar, but you could try to mess with the part (or services) properties or even the mesh’s shading itself.

I’ve tried everything in Maya and I can’t recreate it until I move it to studio, even messed with Arnold which is Maya’s rendering engine, thanks for the assist regardless!

I’ll keep tinkering and see what happens but if it’s a core issue in Roblox’s shading then I guess I just have to live with it