Streaming enabled model is not streaming properly out of radius when includes constrains

I created this one big city where with recent updates to “Streaming Enabled” I found out that those bridges who using “Constrains, Rods/Ropes” in the build, seem to be breaking the streaming model which then creates a somewhat ripped out effect from a far distance.

The model that is being streamed is just parts and the constraint rods/ropes.
This problem does not occur with other bridges that only use parts/mesh parts.

The problem has been going on for a year now, but I noticed it they apparently stopped interacting with there post.

Here is the post where i found out the bug last year ago.

Here u can see how the model looks like if its in my radius (1) and behind that how it looks like out of the radius (2):

NOTE: The road is not included of the model !

And here another view from really far far away:

It’s not really a critical problem, but in this rare case for a year it looks strange!

Here are my streaming settings in the game


Model Properties

System Information:
Windows 10
Ryzen 9 7900X3D
MSI GTX 1660

(The bug also occurred with my old PC specs)

A private message is associated with this bug report


Sorry, I’m having trouble understanding what is the issue you are reporting. Is the issue that things are not streaming out that should? Or is the issue that LOD isn’t rendering properly?

Can you simplify what is the concern and provide a repro file?

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Sorry if it was a lot of input, what I mean is that the LODs of the bridge somehow break apart instead of staying in place when I go away from the bridge.
(isn’t rendering properly)

If you go closer to the bridge in the repro you might understand my problem better.

I made the repro place file and uploaded it in private message.

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Try switching streaming mode from “Opportunistic” to “LowMemory” mode.
Streaming Mode doesn’t work exactly the way we think it does as I found out here:

Hi @Pharao13 Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

The missing rope is due to the constraints—we don’t render constraints for ModelLOD right now. If it’s important for the ropes to be visible, I’d recommend using an actual mesh for them.

As for the bridge being misaligned, this is likely due to outdated data. You can fix this by running the script we provided in this link and changing ModelLevelOfDetail.StreamingMesh to ModelLevelOfDetail.Automatic, making sure it matches your game’s original settings. This should get things lined up correctly.

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Ok, I’ll try that out when I can access Studio again. I’m having trouble getting into studio at the moment, but that might be a topic for another Bug Report topic ^^

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