Studio App Not Opening On Windows, All Solutions Failed

Visual Aids: Failed to provide evidence, uploader experienced an error.

Direct Links: None

System Information:
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview
Evaluation Build 27813.rs_prerelease.250307-1407
Roblox Studio Version: 3a5d3d49b5cf42eb

Beta Features: Not Known

Reproduction Files: None, the origin could not be traced.

Extra Details: I tried all solutions possible, but to no avail. I can’t reinstall Windows (yet) because I’m not at home. I will try to reinstall it when I can to see if that fixes the issue. It opened once on the first install, but won’t open anymore.

Any solutions that might work, please let me know!

Have you tried opening up task manager and seeing if Roblox Studio opened as a background task? I’ve seen a report of Roblox opening as a background task and thought the same issue might be happening here.