Studio behaving strangely and can't do certain tasks

Howdy! Earlier today like a couple of hours ago, I was about to go make some updates and changes until I saw and witnessed that I couldn’t publish or save my game or couldn’t do any of these tasks, and even some studio instances like the Camera and the FOV being set to 1 randomly. This has affected my workflow and development time in the early morning and in the afternoon and I can’t open any of my places with an error blocking the way.

Somehow this topic is one of the behaviors of studio acting up.

Studio behaving weird is that it doesn’t allow you to do certain tasks like Save to Roblox / Publish to Roblox, and this is happening to most of my places at the moment and this started happening today at 11:52 AM PST.


How to reproduce:

  • First, open up any studio place/game.
  • Second, check the File section and try to Save or Publish.
    • ^ …Or check the Camera inside the workspace.
      • When trying to publish, it would give an error: 12:56:26.025 - You must log in to perform this action!
      • FOV would act weird and shows it is at a level of 1, I don’t mess around with FOV.
  • Lastly, it should not let you publish or save anything at all or have a messy FOV.

My system specs are:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz

Studio Version: 0.451.0.412446 (64-bit) as of 10/11/2020.

I’ve talked to some members on the forum about this and on discord about this issue and some had similar issues while some didn’t. Guessing how poorly Roblox is at the moment with the status and how you can still access these games and such but will have some trouble saving and data(?) if possible.


Maybe try and re-install your roblox studio.

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This isn’t just you. I cannot do anything. It claims I’m “logged out,” however I am logged in. I logged out to try to fix it, and now I cannot log back in. I’ll add in more information soon.


I don’t know the root cause but I do have a solution for those of y’all who’d prefer not to loose their work.

  1. Save what you currently have to a place file.
  2. Close Studio and open up the place file.
  3. Override your place you couldn’t publish in with the place file.

You shouldn’t get the error anymore. It’s simple and obvious, but I bet it will save you time. Hope this helped at least some of you. :slight_smile:

P.S: @loueque is poggers but this issue isn’t, so I’d love a quick staff response. Thanks!