Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

because im not a man of hollow words, i took a couple of minutes to design something that’s still big, but way better placed and proportioned
the icons are 40x40 pixels, positioned 5pixels from the top, and 5 pixels from the left. the experience controls is 10 pixels from the menu icon.
all of the icons have been squared off alot more.

This looks alot better (in my opinion and a couple of people i asked) than whatever you have created, and it took me 10 minutes. what’s your excuse?
(also the curves are 0.15 instead of 1)


This is actually an acceptable design which also has this “blocky” style that matches Roblox name.


This is literally better than the official design, it’s sad how even a professional designer cannot compete to yours. Keep it up honestly, this is amazing. :slight_smile:



I would LOVE to see Roblox make a menu based off of this! I really love how fresh and unique you managed to make it be simply relying on the rounded-square design Roblox used for years now.
Roblox should genuinely look at this, even though I know the are not the kind of people to (sadly) take that much suggestion. (Even from an important group in their platform)

10/10, please make more UI design, this has an INSANE quality.


I would have appreciated a heads up before rolling it out. Maybe there was, and I just missed it?

Anyways, had to find out through players that this was being rolled out.

so, like

how do i get rid of all this junk next to the menu button?
i dont want any of this. it ruins the immersion.


Okay, but can we talk about this for a moment?
How come the new experience controls manages to turn off your camera settings? I haven’t suffered from this issue ever since I switched laptops, but I despise how Roblox still refuses to fix something that could still be very much important for someone that is having the same struggles I had back in November because of it.

Also, on this same topic, dying too many times with the camera preview enabled eventually makes your Roblox crash, and I can only assume that every time your character resets the code inside of it is not dumped properly.

TL;DR: Please, give us camera settings back and avoid leaving memory leaks around the code. :pray:

*Psst!* In case you don’t believe me, simply switch back and forth with the FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome flag, you’ll quickly notice the lack of camera settings on the new experience controls!


Im actually really surprised you are going forward with this. I dont think Ive seen any positive reaction to this, maybe except the occasional “oh it looks pretty modern I guess”.

I appreciate the chat button always being visible, but why not just do that for all buttons at that point? The unibar is so overly complicated and ugly.


Thank you for your feedback :3

even though I know the are not the kind of people to (sadly) take that much suggestion.

Yeah unfortunately :frowning:
I hope they look into it, if they even care…

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Does anyone know if there’s a way to check if the new topbar is enabled for the local player?

You could probably use GuiService.TopbarInset and check if the Height property is greater than 36. (Do not count me on this one, I did not do further tests and it is late night for me!)
Alternatively, you could try using GuiService:GetGuiInsets() for that. (It returns two Vector2s)

Basically, it’s somewhere either inside of GuiService or StarterGui.

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I think an improvement that can be made with this is to allow us to hide everything next to the menu button through StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("All", false) or StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("ExperienceControls", false), If they have to appear in some way all the time, a possible solution is to make them accessible through the menu screen while most of the coregui is hidden, just like the menu screen just before this update, where the new stuff was positioned along the topbar area of the menu screen.

You could check if the topbar inset minimum is over a certain amount

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Thank you!
I assumed TopbarInset would have been included with GetGuiInset() oops…

roblox updated this menu so that the chat icon is now visible

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This doesn’t change that the backpack and player list toggles are still hidden

Backpack and playlist toggles were also hidden with the old UI, and I don’t think they’re so important to unhide them.


It depends on the context of your game. In my use case I would like at least an option to have them always displayed without rewriting a custom coregui.

They used to be always visible with the 2015 topbar design.

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I don’t have anything wrong with the new UI except for the two new buttons that cannot be removed, Report shortcut and the Respawn shortcut. I feel like these buttons are redundant because these actions can already be done under the main Roblox menu. Will it be possible to hide these in the future? A section of my game has a button in this area that is now obscured by this new button that can’t be removed when it previously could by hiding the chat.

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What’s the FFlag for the chat icon always being visible?