Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

Local FFlags are being ignored soon, so I would wait until it rolls out to you

These two flags are working but the chat icon is still hidden, and it only works in studio.

I’ve been waiting for a while, I just wanna test it out in-game and toggle between the two instead of just having one.

the “giant bar the covers your screen letting you know you are playing Roblox” (assuming you mean the gray bar that says “Roblox” in the middle with the X and minimize button on the left side) has actually existed since the release of the Roblox Desktop App in 2021. you just haven’t discovered it yet.

Respawn can be disabled. Unfortunately, Report cannot.

You can use “FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat” to make the chat always visible.

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ingamemenuv3 in 2024???

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Thank you it works!

Nah it doesn’t do anything lol

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There is a way to toggle between two frames you can on frame 1 set the new topbar style and on frame 2 the old style

Also thanks to @Zoiudolo for Thier advice I placed also a Link to @Zoiudolo,s profile in the description

I’m starting to get bugs with this new UI

That’s an issue with the studio console emulator, it isn’t officially released for console yet so that is to be expected.

You should probably post or find a bug report if this is causing issues for you though

Can yall change it to what it used to be?

Is there a proper way to check if a user has the new Experience Controls?

Update, it’s both 58 and 52, for some mobile screens as I have tested it is 52.

Why not introduce a toggle in Workspace/StarterGui for participation in this?? Enabling this change randomly in games is likely to break former UI. Given the fact that there may be abandoned projects, it’ll make a small amount of experiences features inaccessible. (or unplayable even!)

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Where did TopbarSafeInsets go? I swear it was part of ScreenInsets when opening a ScreenGUI. What did I miss?

Okay i have some more issues that i was previously unaware of:

what on gods green earth is this supposed to be?
These are entirely unaltered positions of the standard jump and joystick buttons.
Not only are roblox’s ugly big bulky buttons taking up 90% of the screen, but the controls also take up the rest of your screen on mobile. how the hell was any of this greenlit??


I totally agree,the new design isnt user friendly at all,instead of being simple,its more complex than ever,its just a mess,do you really think that this design is easy to understand for kids?
Dont forget that a huge % of Roblox is playerbase are kids,this will ruin their experience,and by that will discourage them from playing,so this is most likely gonna impact the playerbase,and even make some developers to quit the platform,because this update will break many games that have customly placed icons,and expecionally the ones that do not receive any more updates,even famous games will struggle with that,because a lot of them use custom buttons in this type of way heres an example:

with this update the customly added buttons on the top of the screen just dissapear,ofcourse its not a big deal to reposition them,but with that UnibarMenu expanding left and right,it just doent fit at all,a lot more of the screen becomes unusable,compared with the old design,i dont know why are you going for something more fancy with the price of breaking everyone is experience,this isnt good for Roblox a at all,stop trying to mimic other companies!!
One of the best userfriendly features that was recently removed was the Developer Stats page for the day,weekly,monthly visits,that page was soo usefull,but got removed for no reason,we only got false excuses that it wasnt accurate,while that wasnt apperantly the case!!
My suggestion is,and many others that have mentioned the same is to add somekind of option to toggle off and on between the new and old design,while the new is still worked on,because its clearly not finished,people will be able to toggle it off for their experiences if they dont like the new design and i bet that most of them will toggle it off.
Also forgot to mention,what will happen with some of the famous and custom module systems that the community has made to add custom topbars or that HD Admin module that a lot of people use?They will just stop functioning properly and will probably have the same issue,so heres another thing that will break.
Its a shame to what Roblox is trying to become nowadays,ive been on the platform since 2013,why cant you listen to your own community?For example there is an old game called Runescape,it got its playerbase back because they started listening to their community,by allowing people to vote and choose what updates they should add!!
i can write 10 more pages of text its just becoming TL;DR,im hoping that you could rethink your current actions because every type of action has its consequences!!


I don’t know what you’re on about but I haven’t seen any developers saying they will quit because of this change. Unlikely will affect Roblox playerbase since people will just get used to it.

Just like all the other updates that people have said: “This is gonna make developers quit and this is gonna destroy the playerbase” and it never happened. This is also a relatively a small change compared to other updates in the past


Have anyone here still the old topbar
I have got the new one yesterday

Nanoblox made already a update for this new topbar I think it outomaticaly change the topbar depends on which the player use

It looks better if the button in the middle is rounded too and also the iccons topbar+ use can Roblox use beter too it takes fewer space but still is rounded

I see on mobile it’s 52

If inset.Y == 58 or inset.Y == 52 then

Should that works

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its still pretty bad,look at how much space it takes up when its expanded

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