Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

Although I do dislike the height change from 36 to 58px, I genuinely find the design/layout to be really neat. It makes it even easier to access the emotes, leaderboard, and inventory on mobile! I also appreciate the fact that the VC/Camera bubbles are being removed soon. Definitely looking forward to the new topbar Ui


I like this idea. However, I’m pretty critical of it taking up the right-hand corner. I appreciate the reasoning given for not integrating it into the Roblox ‘settings’ button - I agree completely that it wouldn’t make sense to mix up the settings menu with in-experience controls. However, I feel like the best solution here would have been for this new controls bar to also include the settings button, so the controls can all collect nicely on the left side and not intrude on valuable space already being used by developers.

Can this at least be an option? It would really make it easier to swallow the extra height being taken up, if it meant that we only have core UI taking up the top left button area.


This gives me a 48 in size smh, maybe a typo?


The extra 4 is a padding between the interactable area and the buttons I believe, whereas TopbarInset do not account those, not a typo.


I was mentioning a typo for the given 58 !
48/58, same unit cipher but maybe it was supposed to be a 4… Because the spacing when using 58 looks awfully high


I guess this is it? Looks weird for real though.

Anyway, basically, the button is sized at 44, 44 because there is a 2px padding for both the top and bottom, and for the icon it is 24px (not 22px). I suppose the padding between buttons stay the same (12px), but I don’t think this is it.


after you see it, you can’t unsee it

wasn’t the topbar always meant to be both touch and developer friendly?

sure, stats don’t align and time goes on but… why take up so much space?

also, why did the leaderboard go from beautiful rgb(23, 25, 27) to rgb(0, 0, 0)
sure, i guess it makes it more… “modern” but there were already only 3 colors in use, why turn that amount into 2?


The reason why Im pretty upset about this is because in a pitch black game, you could still see the core UI when it was 23, 25, 27, but now everything blends in :sob:


To be fair, Roblox never confirmed about the topbar being developer friendly, they never said it can be used to create custom buttons. It’s more of a trend created by the community.

It’s the risk you asked for. They are not supposed to cater something they didn’t support.


They used to.


could be the other way around, not the UI you made to replicate the top bar buttons but the other UIs in your game


It most likely includes both, I don’t see why it wouldn’t.


it also could be most likely to be addressing to the other way, i dont see why it would not.


Currently I have to be careful with:

  1. Top Bar
  2. Chat
  3. Moving
  4. Jump

This is how many spots I have to avoid when designing the UI to make my coding life easier in Roblox or to avoid players getting mad at the UI when I don’t take the right action.

I do not use the leaderboard but here is how the space reduces if is on

With everything resizing in Pixels it seems like Roblox is forgetting about games with a lot of controls needed here and there. My UI space is very limited…


Overall, I like the new interface, but developing with this new thing now will be more pain added to the list.


this might just fall off like what they tried doing in 2020

I dont see how this is simplifying roblox in any way possible


yes ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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“Developer-made GUIs” is all-encompassing.

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It would be really nice if you guys could make a function that makes us able to add buttons into the expandable bar.


I’m not to concerned with the vertical space expansion but it’s a shame this didn’t come with some actual cool feature for developers besides removing the character overhead UI.

Something that’s been missing for ages now is the ability to make slight customizability to the UI, for example, to match other elements of our games. Personally I will find use in being able to customize the corner radius and the background transparency & color. I got my other UI that all matches then I got these out of place circle buttons that I can’t customize to the rest of my UI.

Also, please make the spacing between the sides and the top edge even. There’s no reason to have all that space on the left or right sides of the icons.


Roblox core UI taking up both top corners of the screen?

Is it worth killing the “game platform” Roblox to make the “social platform” Roblox?
We could have both if we’re thoughtful about both.

Put this new content in the existing upper left button.