Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

Would it be possible to merge the menu button with the chat frame?
Could use the space more efficiently.

Or better yet, move the menu button to the right and keep only the chat on the left.


There’s no possible way this is good for UX:

  • The TopBar provides a transparent inaccessible area so that developers were not encouraged to put their UI there unless they disabled it. This allowed Roblox to push more updates to the TopBar like add new buttons. Now that the top bar is removed, Roblox can no longer do such. With this update, they can add new buttons to the “top bar”, but it requires two clicks instead of one!

  • Removing controls is not good for UX. With the introduction of the emotes menu, they replaced the camera keyboard navigation with a keybind to it, which NOBODY USES. Plus, they didn’t even have to do that! They had a button to open the menu!

  • New leaderboard? New problems. When Roblox updated the leaderboard in 2020, they made it impossible to see your leaderstats and find other players because of how big the buttons were. Now that it’s pitch black, I consider it an improvement, but it still neglects the unthoughtful changes made to the leaderboard.

  • No updates to literally anything else? The backpack is using Draggable, the notifications are using MouseButton1Clicked, they are still using the old friend prompt GUI.

  • More buttons. More clutter. Please, just make the top bar customizable by the user already. This shouldn’t be an issue. I’ll just have to do this myself by forking the player module. Plus, I can’t even customize the UI as a developer!


Roblox’s simple interface turned from this:

To this:
(metaphorically speaking; I don’t have the new UI yet)


love the new design, what i dont really like is that the chat is also under that collapsable menu, its own button was quick and easy to access


I agree with your points, but what do you mean by this?


You can’t use the . key to turn your camera right anymore so they just removed binds for page up and page down as well as the , key.


This looks like a good update. It’ll definitely be a pain for a lot of developers who use the topbar, but in the long run I this’ll probably be beneficial. My main grievance is the report & collapsible menu icons don’t seem to fit.

To me, this doesn’t fit with most of the other icons, since they have all their corners rounded off. It also just seems to be a bit over detailed in some of the finer line work. I understand the need to change it to avoid confusion with the new 9-Dot menu, but I think it could use some touch-ups

This icon doesn’t seem to fit the function. When I first saw it, I assumed it was some sort of new verified Experience/Developer badge until I clicked and realized it was the report button. I’d prefer if they used the report icon from the settings menu, which works well as is:

On a side note, will this mean the 9-Dot menu will also house the “Return to experience” button when leaving an Ad?


I didn’t even know . and , moved the camera at one point, I always used arrow keys. What did page up and page down do? If they changed zoom, you can just use I and O for that

Why is report abuse so prioritized? I’d like to see an option to switch that out on a game level. Report abuse right there seems a bit useless…


Each button changed the angle increment by 45 degrees.

They were very useful for various purposes.


I think you may have made a mistake in the post - the new inset seems to be 48 pixels, not 58. I enabled the feature in studio and printed the new GuiService.TopbarInset and it says it’s 48. I also screenshotted and measured in photoshop and it confirmed it’s 48 pixels, not 58 pixels.



I appreciate the effort that was obviously put into this but I feel as though this change will create more problems than it will solve. Forcing all developers to redesign their UI’s because it makes things simpler is a contradictory statement. Additionally, like usual, this was not ran by any developers before being announced and was instead dropped like a bombshell with the familiar phrase “we look forward to working with your feedback” being used as an excuse for poor communication; if you wish to listen to feedback, you ask beforehand.

Looks good, but some changes obviously need to be made, as pointed out elsewhere in this thread.


Immersive ads are broken, but I think it’s up to that team to decide where that button goes.


Is this going to change the values from Mouse.Y (or UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()), because I often add 36 to that value to make it so 0 is the top of the screen (in a building game, not for UI). If so, this might be a massive pain


it looks so good!!

the icons look organized now and not a “in moment design” like before!

Modifing the Y Paddin was an innecesary Change,


I like the new UI. But it’s too big. Look how big it is compare to the older icons. The old ones were able to be clicked by anyone just fine.

Also, why in the flippidy floppers is the chat icon on the right now


That’s what I said when they changed the player list. It’s for “mObiLE cOmPATaBiLiTy”


At least just change the size based on device then. I believe that the leaderboard icon on smaller mobile phones will just have a pop up type ui instead of the list on the right. (Only if it has leaderstats)


So it now takes 2 or 3 clicks to toggle the text chat, it takes up more space, and the top-right button is no longer hideable? I see no improvement.


I have a question!

With the in-studio API do I need to change my script once this feature is released?

At the moment we can turn off/on the Gui’s with CoreGuiTypes

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, false)

Will this change?


In the games that I develop, I almost always disable the core UI, so that I have the necessary control over the experience that I am making. Also, (0,0) is the upper left of the viewport when you toggle ScreenGui.IgnoreGuiInset, which I have always thought should be true by default, but is false as a legacy of the old topbar. The old topbar was consciously removed to give space to the experience developers.