Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

i’m not a fan of the chat menu being moved, I would prefer it to be right next to the menu button like always


The new API currently gives values of zero when the feature is not enabled, such as in live games.

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Some scattered feedback of mine:

  1. What is this icon supposed to represent? At a glance, it looks like the Unity logo.

  2. I don’t think this hover tool tip is necessary. People who are curious and unaware will click it, and it’s functions are made immediately obvious.

  3. :pray: Is there a reason that this needs to be covering the upper right corner of the experience? It seems like it could easily be merged with the existing upper left Roblox UI instead.

  4. Why is the “More Menu” icon a grid (3x3 dots) when it actually contains vertically listed contents? It should probably be a hamburger menu icon instead.


Something i’ve noticed is that ROBLOX tends to make some… questionable UI decisions…
Seriously, where’s the basic consistency in offsets??? Roblox??? hello???


Seriously, it seems like every 2 years, we have to update our games to adjust to Roblox deciding “it’s time for something new”. And most of the time they have to revert it again.


Nevermind, I was going to try to say positive things about this update, because usually it’s all negative, but I genuinely can’t think of anything positive.

It’s just too clunky!

All of the vital functions have now been moved to the right hand side for no apparent reason, making everything more complicated and harder to find.

On top of this, the size has been increased to 58! So now everyone now has to fix their offset once again, but now on a much larger scale than last time because they’ve changed literally everything! This now, once again, breaks older games and probably for good this time.

I do not get your points on usability, this is such a lie, it is not easier for us to select the action you want. I’m just assuming it’s another Roblox trying to force an update on us, so they make up random reasons on why they think it’s good for us.

Not approved!

And it’s a shame because the UI is not bad, but it is horribly executed.



Small bug, when putting your mouse perfectly in between two buttons then it will select both buttons.


So many ui changes and some are bad, some are good but why is the backpack menu being left out? Same with the hotbar UI. I think the backpack + the hotbar UI could use some nice round corners with the black (instead of dark grey) ui theme.


lovely update,

please push updates with icons that aren’t an eyesore to look at


In bigger games with many people the new menu has a weird empty space at the bottom without showing any users there


Even funnier is that the icon on the right seems to look alot less pixelated than the Roblox Logo on the left:


… not to mention their sizes don’t even match

ALSO no functionality/option to make the menu drop down vertically??? how interesting


So much for “consistency” Roblox…


Aside from the issues mentioned above (items should all be on left, pixelated icons etc), the TopbarInset value doesn’t seem to load properly until a few seconds after the game has loaded and scripts have began running.

This value should be loaded before any scripts are allowed to run otherwise I have to rewrite my entire workflow in order to properly use TopBarInset to set positions before a player is able to see them.


Really? now we have EVERY corner in mobile with roblox stuff, we dont need this. Its already too hard to design UIs to mobile because of default buttons being in the way


We had Roblox stuff in the upper two corners for a long time already

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but now it takes more space, and in my opinion roblox should make their stuff in the ui the more discreet possible.


Yes but we didn’t have everything from the report system, chat, voice chat, shift lock and all the stuff that should be in the menu in the left?

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they made the icon more bigger lmao

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You can still put your stuff there, it can move with the UI as this shows

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