Meshes suddenly scaling differently in experiences and studio

Edit 2024/01/13: This bug has re-appeared in live experiences.

In my game I have a large plane editable mesh, which is scaled from the default (1500, 0.001, 1500) to (1500, 1500, 1500) to prevent another rendering bug. Due to this scaling, the mesh appeared tilted at a 45 degree angle, so in studio I have given it an orientation to counter it to make it easier to work with. When the game runs, the orientation is reset as the vertices are edited.

Previously, the mesh would appear perfectly flat in studio, however now it is tilted at an odd angle. When the orientation is reset to 0, 0, 0 it is no longer tilted at 45 degrees, but somewhat less, however it is still not flat.

The mesh also now appears much differently in studio than in-game, even though both are the same version. In studio, it seems to be much flatter on the Y axis when compared to the game. This only affects the editable mesh.



The flattening is especially apparent at the edge of the mesh. In-game it appears correctly. Before today studio also appeared correctly.

Expected behavior

the Studio and in-game mesh should be identical.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Probably related, but MeshParts (without any MeshId’s) are also not showing/scaling correctly in Studio

They are only showing as a 1x1x1 part


Hey thanks for reporting. Do you know approximately when it starts? Which studio version are you using? Thanks!

This started about a day ago on version 0.654.2.6540482

Thanks for reporting this issue! We’ve released a fix. Please restart your Studio to apply the change.

The issue stemmed from an earlier fix for this problem. We’ll post further updates in that thread. Thank you for your patience!

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This bug has suddenly reappeared, now in live experiences and has broken a major feature of my game.

After some quick experimenting, I’ve been able to work around this by increasing the scale to 4x on the Y-axis.

I’m now seeing inconsistent behaviour, it appears correctly on some clients but not others.

I’m experiencing a similar issue. From what I’ve noticed the mesh appears to be scaling correctly until I reach a certain threshold (for this mesh part it was a little over 60 in any axis), after reaching the threshold the mesh would appear to start decreasing in size as you start increasing in size. As shown in the image once I resized the mesh to a 2048 by 2048 size its physical size was about 2 by 2. However I can select the large part by clicking in the region it should be occupying due to the size, regardless of it not being visible there.

This should be resolved. Please let me know if it doesn’t. Thank you!

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It seems there is another instance of this bug.

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