Studio Design Refresh - Docking Overhaul & Ribbon Upgrade

Thanks for replying to me with a gif of exactly what I’m describing.

I’m using MacOS and got the same thing to happen too, honestly really happy about it. There’s an option to update, but I refuse to until it’s confirmed to not have any FPS drops.

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I like some of the design changes, but it was a bit confusing at first figuring out how to separate two widgets once I had them merged together. It would be nice if there was some button you could press to separate them and split them or something. I ended up having to make one go away while positioning the other on the opposite side and then move it back over afterwards.

I also miss having the disable ui button right on the top of the screen. It’s a bit more work to go into the view tab to disable ui in studio, but it works. Other than that, I love the collapse feature. That’ll be nice for the output window since I don’t always need it but when I do it’s tricky to figure out where to put it without rescaling the entire screen or making it smaller than ideal.

Whenever I open studio, it resets all of my widget locations. Everything is reset back to a default state. I’ve done this three times over and it refuses to save. This issue in no way occurred before.


I was showing you how to fix this.

Update: After a relaunch of studio the update button has disappeared and I’m permanently locked to the version before this update, I’m very happy.


bring back the old ui toggle via setting


Well, I need to do this anyways since my default DPI is set to 125% and this is necessary every time it updates to prevent the UI from looking blurry and large.

Is there a way to disable these dropdowns? I miss having all the buttons right there for me, this is severely messing with my workflow.


Just noticed that instead of plugin icons being obnoxiously small, now they are obnoxiously big, thank you Roblox for making me have to disable half the plugins I own just to be able to use them. May I add, I don’t even have that many plugins at all (less than 5), the fact that Roblox had to come out of there way and implement a feature that not only makes using plugins harder but also not have plugins able revert the behaviour themselves is horrible.

If the widgets are tabbed, which is what you have in your video, to separate them you need to drag the widget that you want to separate by its tab at the bottom.

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I’m sharing a lot of the same frustration. Studio keeps forgetting parts of my layout seemingly at random, so when I try to open a plugin or a new script window, it might just open in a random unexpected location. Plus, when I wanna Ctrl+Shift+F search my code, I have to press it twice now (as the first press opens the window, but doesn’t focus on the text box anymore)

I hope to minimize my Studio usage as much as possible in the future, just wanna stick to VSCode and Rojo. All I want is a functional program that I can rely on to always do what I expect it to do, and not have to deal with program updates that will constantly mess with my layout/muscle memory or continue to worsen performance. I’ve already been suffering with the updates that have made the Studio script editor + autocomplete laggier than ever, and stuff like this just compounds the problems I’m having with Studio.


The layout should never forget where the widget is. Can you DM me reproduction steps or a video of this occurring? Which widgets do you see this occurring with?

Did this just get rolled back?!


Seems it. I’ve had some issues that I even made a bug report on and I’ve noticed that a number of my friends who had this update no longer have it. It seems that Roblox rolled it out because of all the issues that this update had and hopefully this means that they’ll take a minute to let it cook more in the oven.


This also happened to me but this time I changed the wifi while I was updating Studio and got an error, now I can’t update it since the popup to update Studio is no longer there… :frowning_face:

Honestly, I want to be back in the rollout because I like this update and accidentally uninstalled Studio. I really need this because it speeds up my workflow. I tried getting it back but failed.


This docking overhaul has just made the issues presented in this thread much worse, since the already poorly scaled windows are now able to be squished even smaller.

glad the UI toggle is back, big W


It was still there, just moved to a different location.

I think it has been rolled back, which is a shame since it was actually pretty amazing

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