Studio Design Refresh - Updated Icons & High DPI Capabilities

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Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 4.14.01 PM
The arrow, notification, and green connection icon all appear at a lower resolution compared to all the other elements. Might want to look into getting those fixed @tnavarts

Why are you black?

I guess it is bug, since others (sub)icons are still white, but …

Edit: And why are ModuleScripts purple?


New sound properties are harder to navigate :sad:

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My god i second this

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New sound properties are harder to navigate :sad:

I wouldn’t say, you just need to get used to it. I had the same for the new icons, took me about 5 hours of being in Studio to already get used to them (although I liked them from the start).

My god i second this

How did you manage to insert ModuleScript inside place folder? :sweat_smile:


I still don’t think these contrast right. Why are server scripts white? Why are they the odd ones out? It should be module scripts as they have the most unique use-cases out of all script types.

Local scripts should be blue, server scripts green (I’ll settle for purple, or even orange, as it’s the opposite on the color wheel from blue!), and module scripts be white (as they’re comparably the most different type of script).

Not to mention a lot of colorful objects under one blank looking icon is gross. The hierarchy should blend together for ease on the eyes, not create weird dividers, we have folders for that. These colors blend worse than the previous ones.

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I don’t mind ModuleScripts being coloured. Orange or purple (I liked orange more), both are cool.
I would change just the ServerScript (Script) to green.

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Yeah green could work, instead of white.


pleaseeeeeeeeeee if you get a response PLEASE reach out to me

edit: nvm just re-read and clicked the link

But I do dislike how StaterGui, StarterPack, StarterPlayer, Teams, … now have black icons. I preferred the previous ones more.


One week later and still not fixed.

Also just found that the “Import 3D” is still a low-res icon as well.
Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 4.30.41 PM

Does anyobdy know how to get the old icons back?

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Don’t turn on the High DPI beta feature. I still don’t have the new icons.

There is also a community resource.

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I’m milking the old icons all I can before the new ones get forced, since it’s super trippy and so 1800s. Modernization on Roblox is basically a car that tried to go uphill but decided to turn 90 degrees and roll back down

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in my opinion i kinda prefer the old ones because im pretty used to it, is there a option to revert it to the old ones?

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Not going to lie, the new one looks more lifeless than the old one. Don’t get me wrong, the new one is more simple but I still prefer the old one.


Turns out, you can enable custom icon support with DPI awareness beta feature disabled! I did this by turning off New Icons/DPI Aware Studio beta feature and enabling the StudioQtSVGIcons flag. And in the screenshot above, i have apllied Vanilla 3 icons.

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I see that ModuleScript changed color to purple, please the only thing you have to change is the Server Script icon to green (:green_circle:) and make the ModuleScripts white (:white_circle:).

Why? Well because ModuleScripts are neutral and can be used by both Server and Local scripts (even CoreScripts). The pattern should also follow, you guys represent most of the time the server as green, so why not keep the same pattern?

Honestly, I have noticed certain feature additions that are unrelated to this one and do not follow the default pattern. Look at TeleportOptions, why wasn’t that integrated as OverlapParams and RaycastParams:

I wonder what was the reason for it…

Also, why are you guys deprecating features that do not even support what the old features did? You know what, whatever.

Going back to topic:
Please change the color of the Script to green and the ModuleScript to white.