Studio Design Refresh - Updated Icons & High DPI Capabilities

While some of these look strange and fit some things awfully, they are definitely an improvement over the last ones.
Still feeling like using Vanilla though.

While the new vanilla icons do look great, it seems that the update broke most of my plugin icons


This occurred after a long wait when loading places and probably related to the new GUI. Appreciate if there’s any sort of fix to this.

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Thanks for this amazing update! Good work! Continue like this Roblox! The icons looks good in my opinion!

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Are these customizable? I haven’t updated studio in a long time so I haven’t seen these yet.

Well made icons.
I personally think that It’s easier to understand and new developers should be able to learn with the studio much faster!

I really love these icons! I’d prefer a switch so we could go back to the old icons though… Very good icons but I’d choose the old ones over the current ones.

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This update is good although I wish the custom icons had a better implementation. A drop down to select a custom theme would be perfect, so maybe a setup linking to a folder with sub folders of themes would be good. Also why not svg?

I love the change, but I’d like to have more colors on the top menu icons. It appears weird to as why everything but the ‘Play’ button is desaturated.

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Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 19.19.15
Why I haven’t got the Custom Icon Dir?

How do you get the window with all these advanced objects ? I can’t find it anymore.

The button to toggle it as a permanent panel is in the Model tab:


Yes, I saw that, but it only let me insert classic objects, and not advanced objects such as BodyPositions, BodyGyro, etc…

Help I never got access to the old icons or the new icons

All UI I have is this:


You have to enable it manually… (it’s in the beta features tab)


I am sure you have heard about resolution issues regarding this update for anyone not using a 1920x1080 monitor. Do you have an estimated time for this to be fixed, or will you post an announcement? This is a huge bummer to me because my computer supports higher DPI, and now I can’t use it because my mouse/camera movements are impossible to control.


I did long ago, and somehow suddenly my studio froze for 2 second and the Ui got updated


BodyPositions are deprecated and you cannot add them with insert object anymore, you can paste this into the command bar tho:"BodyPosition", workspace)

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Let us choose which icons we want when this release please! I still prefer the old one


Looks a lot better, but will take some getting used too lol.

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These icons look way better and more distinguishable than the previous one. Well done on the redesign, but I don’t think this update was necessary. I will always prefer the original icons.