General Information:
I’m currently experiencing an issue with Studio, in which the viewport the developer is using to move around in 3D space is freezing. Also happens to when the developer is play testing the game. Only happens in Roblox Studio, not in Roblox itself.
I’ve already tried to report this issue with the Support system, however I haven’t got a reply from it.
What and where is it happening?
It usually happens every 10 - 20 minutes after the server starts. The Viewport and all it’s operations are just stopping. It’s not possible to move the camera at all. The ribbon and everything except the viewport is working however.
It happens only in Studio on the 3D viewport. Nothing else is affected. There is not really a way to reproduce this issue, since it happens from time to time without even doing anything. The issue happens on every place, no exceptions.
Examples (Videos/Images)
Displayed as drive links, because the videos are failing to upload.
Example Video 1
Example Video 2
This is the part of the log file from one session, in which I tested the issue. This is what happens when the viewport is freezing.
I have no clue if this has something to do with me being logged out from OAuth2.0, so I would have to grant Roblox Studio after every shutdown that I want to access it using my account.
Without Plugins/Betas
Still the same effect. Changes nothing.
Log/dump files were attached to the internal ticket by a Roblox Staff (@Focia19), due to the sensitive information they may contain, will not be shared publicly!