I reverted all the version back and the game when you play is how its suppose to be but when i enter studio its all stuck together like this, This game is one of the biggest stuff i have done and the most one i love so this legit means a lot to me and i know its not any developers i have hired they dont have access is this a bug or what? and please tell me is it fixable???
I’m unsure of what the previous version looked like? Could you provide that post you were mentioning and maybe a little more detail into what happened?
Okay so i cant revert the version and see in studio because even tho i reverted the map is still all together but when i play from the website its like this
Okay okay so i was fixing the floor because it was clipping inside a house and i accidentally pressed the middle mouse button and then everything disappeared i presses on a part in the workspace and pressed f and my studio crashed and i came back to what i gave u in the first image just everything all together and also this is in the properties
for all the parts
as u can see i reverted the versions more then 1 time but yesterday i left off at where i published aka where the checkmark so everything on june 3rd is the corrupted map
Hold on!!! i got it i reverted from last week the map is back but its a very old version i guess its better then anything but this is legit one of the weirdest bugs and i dont understand how it effected also yesterdays publish i think i should report this to a admin of this bug to get fixed but thank you sooo much you saved my whole game i will credit you lol
That is true i hope no one else gets this but damn this was a big thing i dont understand how this corrupted old saves but it somehow did but thank you man thank you A LOT!