Studio loosing textures of parts (maybe basepart?) when inserting a part

This has happened to me twice now within 2 days.
Once when loading a saved (to local HD) place, and then again today when opening an empty workspace.

When I click the ‘Insert Part’ button on the Ribbon
The whole texture on my baseplate will flicker incredibly fast between normal, and the image below for about 1 second.
The new inserted part disappears and
then the scene looks like the image below.

If I then click on any part, everything goes back to normal, with no flickering.

I did not get a screenshot of the first time I saw this happen, however I should note, instead of the texture going black, as in the example I posted here, instead it was replaced with a color map texture for a set of meshes I have in that project.

So it seems visually at least, that something is causing the wrong texture to be displayed.

Also there were no errors or anything. It just seems to be purely visual as far as I can tell. It is rather unsettling, when you click to insert a part, and the whole world is flashing and goes dark.

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Please share system specs, GPU particularly.

Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7-3770 4 Core 3.40 ghz
16 gb ram

gpu nvidia GeForce gtx 1050 Ti
4 gig ram

I haven’t used studio too terribly much since I posted the bug repot, however, the times I have used it, I have not had the issue happen since posting this.

Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.


Seems like the issue has been resolved since it is no longer reproducible? Let us know if this occurs again and we can investigate

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