Studio suddenly has very blurry icons, is this just me?

Studio recently got the new interface update with the new docking system and consistent icon sizes. I’m having many issues though, and I’m not sure if it’s just me:

Missing strokes on the sides of boxes, misaligned icons, blurry icons

Extremely blurry icons, I believe Studio is loading in the minimized versions of the images for some reason but I’m not sure

Awkward look in general, blurry icons

I have a regular 1920 x 1080 display, and my graphics drivers are up to date I’m pretty sure (Nvidia). If I had the option, I would seriously consider reverting Roblox Studio back a version because this is really unpleasant to use.

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Maybe this can fix it?

Unfortunately didn’t work, I’ve tried restarting after applying as well. Text appears fine, so I believe this is simply an issue of the actual image files being outdated and relatively small.

I hope this is just a bug on my end with the interface and not an actual working version released…

It’s because in the new update Roblox decided to rescale them, they used to be smaller.

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Is it just me, or do I like the blurry icons? Especially the welding plugin.

Yeah, you’ll need to set your DPI to 100% again. Press Win+I to go to settings to do this.