Studio Timer V2.1 | Manage your time wisely

Uh, why…?

Hold on, I know what you’re thinking. “Why would I need a timer for Studio?” Let me explain…

I’ve been developing on Roblox for a while now, but I still struggle with time management and having a decent sleep schedule. So, I thought I could just set an alarm to tell me when to stop working, but then it became annoying that I had to open the Clock app or unlock my phone every time I wanted to see how long I had left. I just wanted a small timer on my screen that I can quickly glance at to see how long I’d been in Studio.

I checked the Toolbox for a decent timer plugin, but hardly any of them worked or were just not what I was looking for. In the end, I decided to make my own plugin and publish it in case anyone else finds it useful.



I’ve tried to add features that would be the most useful to developers, so I’ve added a stopwatch, timer and dev time stats.



Using the stopwatch is pretty easy, you just press Play/Pause or Reset. The stopwatch starts as soon you as open up the workspace.

You can minimise the widget size so that it only shows you the time display to keep it out of the way.



I’ve tried to make the timer as user-friendly as possible. I’ve chosen a colour theme that isn’t too distracting and easy on the eyes (sorry, light mode users). There is a separate colour theme for both dark mode and light mode, and the widget automatically switches between the two. The dark theme is definitely better in my opinion, as the colours aren’t too distracting, so you can focus on your work and only look at the timer when you need to (if you use light mode, you don’t care about your eyes anyway…).

I’ve also added a feature to let you switch between the Stopwatch and Timer tabs quickly with your mouse’s scroll wheel, as shown in the video below.

Stats (new)


This new feature shows the total time you spend in Studio. I’ve organised it into a grid format so it’s easy to read, and I’ve added a button to let you change the time zone to whichever one you want. Be sure to flex your workaholic spirit to your friends :muscle:

The 7d stat is based on the seven-day period from Sunday to Saturday, and the 30d stat is based on the current month.



Hopefully, it’s easy to use for everyone, but if there is any confusion or suggestions on how to make it better, please do message me.

Lite version (just has the Stopwatch feature):


Special thanks to @teerach2550 for suggesting the idea for a stats display and helping with optimisation!
And to @AljoSven, @TheSalzu and @LuffyReformed for helping me with testing!

Terms of service

Studio Time | Terms of service

Change Log

Studio Timer | Changelog


Happy to help! I will most definitely be using this plugin from now on. Thank you!


The plugin has a good concept and idea, it’s just that most people don’t want to spend 100+ robux on a timer plugin when there are other ways around it like creating your own timer which is pretty simple or just checking your phone, even if it’s less convenient.

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Yeah, I completely understand. I’ll keep it up though, for anyone who feels it’s worth it.

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I would install it, but the features don’t really make it different from the other plugins on the Marketplace. :frowning:

Still good tho, good luck with it! :+1:

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This is an absolutely incredible tool and I use it on the daily to improve my performance in studio as well as in the bedroom.

This man’s work is pure excellence.


Added a new feature to the plugin: DevTime Stats!
This new feature shows you how long you tend to spend in Studio.

I’ve also added some more quality-of-life features, such as double-clicking Stopwatch screen to play/pause.
More details are included in the new edits to the post and ChangeLogs

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I’ve never really thought of a timer before.

Another use instead of time management would be managing the time developers spend on certain projects. People who charge hourly, could use this to mark the time spent developing.

I also like the fact that you couldn’t find one that suited your needs and developed one. Great work.


I’ve added a Debug mode which basically just prints out what the plugin is currently doing. It doesn’t show absolutely everything; just the important parts.

To enable it, there should be a button on the top-right of the Stats page.
Once enabled, it’ll also show you the Reset data button.

This is useful in cases where your stats are messing up, as it was happening for a few people. You can view the total time spent in each session and see if there’s a problem.

If you do encounter a bug, please do contact me so I can try to fix it.

I’ve released a Lite version of the plugin for free which only has the Stopwatch feature for anyone who is just interested in that.

Really good plugin! Could use this to fix my sleep schedule…

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Really cool idea. You should implement a graph within stats.