Studio Tweaks - Disable selection box, disable UI Editor, anchor new parts, show selection faces, and more

This is not trivial if I remember correctly, I turned it off for a reason. Have you seen the new orientation indicator in studio? There’s something in the context menu when you right click on a part that you can turn on that might help.

Yeah I saw that but it only really works with existing instances. I’m working with instances that are newly created instead so it’s a bit of a hassle to go turn them on but it isn’t a big deal.

I can also just create a new part to show the orientation as well so it isn’t a big deal if you can’t allow it. Creating a small plugin wouldn’t be too difficult either.

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This seems very low impact, how often are you creating new screenguis?

I use an FPS unlocker and while it works perfectly fine with almost everything, Studio’s camera ends up moving way too fast. It could be nice to have some kind of fix for that (if that’s even possible. Might require a custom camera which could be a bit of work)

Roblox update today made it so every time I select a part in the workspace it throws this error in the output. Kind of annoying

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I’m seeing some really weird and inconsistent behavior in Studio about updating plugins right now, but this should be fixed.

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You should make an option to disable the new Highlight Instance Selection and have only Bounding Boxes

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I think this is impossible. But that’s on me

There is a bug (error) but it appears to be this plugin is still working fine. I don’t know if it’s good or not so watch an attached video

Will look into it, that shouldn’t throw an error. Are you comfortable sending me the folder that caused the error in a private message?

I think i sent it, check it out

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Found one more bug. Apparently this plugin doesn’t like wedges and doesn’t apply default properties to them

Edit: duplicating wedges also throws an error (copy-paste/duplicate)

It looks like some part types (e.g. wedges) are no longer separate classes and were silently merged into the Part class as different part shapes. Annoying this was just silently changed.

Fixed in new version.

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Have you tried using a SpecialMesh instead of actually resizing the Part? I doubt it’d interfere with Studio pasting.

A specialmesh does not accept a selectionbox adorn.

@Dhammapada made an absolutely essential plugin (especially for UGC creators) that selects the parent of the object selected by default, it would be awesome if both of these plugins worked in tandem!


I’ve pushed a very important update to the plugin related to being incorrectly able to drag the custom selection box. The plugin will break in the next Studio release if you do not update.

If you are having issues related to the selection box or dragging instances, please update the plugin to see if they are fixed before you post about them.