Studio Tweaks - Disable selection box, disable UI Editor, anchor new parts, show selection faces, and more

Yeah ive noticed this today i hope they fix it because it made me really mad.

cc @spydercam500
This should already be fixed, please update and let me know if that solves the issue.

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Removed features for undo/redo selection behavior because Roblox has finally fixed this behavior in Studio. :slight_smile: Please let me know if you still need either of the two removed features, and why you need them.


Hello, just came across a bug where the Dynamic Selection Box feature hides/covers my SelectionSphere.

Looks quite interesting & could be used to create some funky looking games/objects.
Oh wait, this is quite oldā€¦ Haā€¦ haā€¦ :eyes:

Just because itā€™s an old topic doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not supported anymore.

That is a rendering issue I cannot control; see the selection box override notes in the OP.

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Would love to see the ability to hold down a modifier key like shift or control to keep the menu open to allow for multiple option selections at once without the need to keep reopening the window.

Great plugin!

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Because I am using a context menu to do settings so you can quickly toggle individual things on/off, I cannot keep it open. Would you be interested in a mirror of the context menu settings as a plugin widget (both would exist)?

Holding down Ctrl makes the plugin selection box small, which reveals the vanilla selection box, making me blind again:

Expected behavior:

This is intentional, the replacement selection box inflates the size of the part itā€™s adorned to, so if you were to copy and paste the targeted part, the result would not sit flush on top of the targeted part, breaking your ability to stack parts. The only way to detect a paste before it happens is to bind this to ctrl.

Is this a blocker for your workflow?

Is this a blocker for your workflow?

The first image is what I see when I try to center resize the middle grey part (I canā€™t see what Iā€™m doing) by holding down the Ctrl key.

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I can take a look at adding a toggle for this behavior sometime, or look into other solutions. In the meantime, there has recently been a selection outline thickness setting added to studio, you might want to see if that helps. I have my thickness now set super thin.

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just wondeing? how do i disable settings? for some reason i cant figure out how to disable the gizmos, or im just stupid.

All instructions are in the thread. Press P to open the context menu at your cursor.

i know, but i cant disable gizmos, i clicked it once to enable it and when i click it again it dosent disable it

Can you capture a video of what happens? Just want to know exactly what youā€™re doing.

Edit: Resolved through DMs

my computer dosent really do roblox studio videos, because it dosent show any of the panels that come up, i could send you screenshots of what im doing, could that help?


Bug: Wedges donā€™t auto anchor on spawn

They do for me, do you have the setting enabled? Press P. Ensure you have no other plugins that interfere with the default properties of parts.

it works now the plugin automatically turned off

Any chance you could add a toggle or something to get it to run in play/edit mode, even if just on the server side? Currently Iā€™m working on a wall system that relies on the individual partsā€™ normal vectors and Iā€™m experiencing an issue that would be easily debugged if I could see the orientation of the parts at runtime.