StudioSpy - Studio Remote Spy

Hello everyone,

I want to introduce StudioSpy, a Remote Spy plugin I developed for Roblox Studio. StudioSpy is a tool for intercepting client-to-server remote calls.

I want to clarify that StudioSpy’s foundation is entirely derived from SimpleSpy. I simply brought this powerful and effective foundation into the Roblox Studio environment, adapting it to meet the specific needs of our community.

StudioSpy was developed quickly in response to a simple need I observed in our community. You can use it to simplify your life by simply copying the codes and changing the arguments to trigger fires using different arguments with plugins like InCommand.

Examples of utilities like dataloss: (also includes cooldown, etc.)

SettingsRemote:FireServer("Music", 10) --// SettingName, Value
SettingsRemote:FireServer("Music", workspace) --// change the Value to workspace, which if not checked correctly can result in a dataloss error

For more examples on data loss, you can visit: Data Loss Examples

Getting Started:

Once installed, the plugin will appear in the plugins tab:
Note: You can only open it when playing and in the client.


Now you can start using it:

The main goal of StudioSpy is to provide developers with a detailed view of communications between the client and the server. This allows you to identify potential vulnerabilities and improve your game’s security.

Get StudioSpy now:

I hope you find StudioSpy useful in your projects. I look forward to hearing your feedback!