Stylised Farming Simulator

There are already some stardew valley inspired games out there in roblox


That looks amazing! What about tweening them? :wink:


From the posts on this it seems you’re kinda… jealous of his success…?


This would be interesting! I was thinking about animating virtually anything I could with skinned meshes - crops, trees, etc. gently blowing side to side, some buildings having unique animations and so on.


No if you talking about huxmes success of course not i already finished placement system for my game and other stuff just working in textures i find it hard to make them high quality do to Roblox’s limits

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Althought i am sort of worried about skinned meshes since they may require powerful device to animate

i prefers the animation to be played on the client so the server can have a break also the animations starts playing when the player comes closer we dont want all animation playing at once

most roblox players are kids which there parent throwed a cheap device to distract them i focus in performance in my games

i am thinking about adding this to my game Fake Reflections/Global Illumination - #30 by ZINTICK
–It looks like RTX

of course it can be used when you activated on my custom graphics settings


If anyone is interested in keeping up-to-date with more frequent development logs, I’ve recently made a new Discord server: Hq6QuwFBRB

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Ended up making some tileable asphalt textures (apart of the roads feature, each road will increase your walk speed to traverse your farm quicker, as they’ll no doubt grow in size a lot). I think I may make it more 3D in the future.


A visual cue for footplanting, thought it was a nice touch. Having shaders would create some really nice effects though.

Discord server for updates: Hq6QuwFBRB


Your game is beautiful, I love the design and everything! I think this is the new generation of Skyblock. (Islands)

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its not skyblock(its not floating in the sky) maybe groundblock

Random name generation, ideas are welcome!

Discord server for updates: Hq6QuwFBRB


Added the first type of decorative structure, the Bus Stop.

Discord server for updates: Hq6QuwFBRB


First fence, the Decorative Fence. I’m adding a few of everything I intend to add at the moment, so I can lay down the foundation and make adding more types a lot easier in the long run.

Discord server for updates: Hq6QuwFBRB
I’d love to hear your suggestions too!



Awesome! When are you expecting it to be public? I will definitely play it! :+1:t2:


Thank you!

It’s slowly flourishing, and honestly, almost playable as is (doesn’t seem it through these pictures). It’s getting to a point where I just need to add some more content. I’ll release a small demo within the next week or two hopefully and get some more feedback on things.

Feel free to join the Discord if you like! :smiley:

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Awesome! Keep up the good work! :+1:t2:

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This game looks really cool! Honestly, I don’t know if I would really play a game like this much, but it looks really well made and I think I’ll try it out when you release!

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I think I butchered the hammered metal look, but here’s the Construction Hammer.

Discord server for updates: Hq6QuwFBRB


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Do you texture your meshes in Blender or something else?

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