Stylised Farming Simulator

Discord server to follow the development journey: Hq6QuwFBRB

I managed to get around to a quick hotbar.

You can visit the Discord and get access to weekly (every Friday) changelogs, where I try to keep everyone updated on progress, so we can all anticipate a release soon.


This game is amazing, i’m sorry I keep saying it. You know those farmer games: Stardew Valley, Harvest Town, Little Wood. I LOVE those games. Now your making a super good one on roblox? Count me in. :+1:


This game actually could have a lot of potential once it’s finished.

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Sure thing! It’s kind of a messy implementation at the moment as I’m still familiarising myself with Perlin Noise and terrain generation. I create chunks that are 64 x 64 (tiles, which are 7 x 3.5 x 7 studs), which is easy enough when offsetting the X and Z positions of each tile.

For the Y position, I layer some generated noise altogether with some multipliers like amplitude and frequency.

local y = math.noise(x / (FREQUENCY / 4), 0, z / (FREQUENCY / 4)) * AMPLITUDE
	+ math.noise(x / (FREQUENCY / 2), 0, z / (FREQUENCY / 2)) * AMPLITUDE
	+ math.noise(x / FREQUENCY, 0, z / FREQUENCY) * AMPLITUDE
y = math.floor(y / 2) * (TILE_Y_SIZE) + 4

For my particular case, I use a frequency of 64 and amplitude of 12. Playing around with these values will give you different effects as you’ll no doubt see when you test yourself.

If a tile’s Y position is below a certain threshold, then I generate some tiles of water above it. I hope this helped. :smiley:

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Interesting, do you have a Y-axis range for the water level or just one specific level for all of the water? If you do what is it?