The solution was to just make the tree in Blender, by following this YouTube tutorial:
But if you already have a trunk, just import the mesh to blender then make the leaves there.
Now for the properties of the mesh:
Transparency = 0
Material = Plastic
Double-sided = False
Cast shadow = false
(If you do the blender portion process correctly, it will create its own shadow even though the texture is just one. Especially for the normals)
For the blender tutorial, at least make the minimum amount of “hair” on the particle a good amount, like 60, 100, or anything that isn’t few as we are not using double-sided (it is to make it SMOOTHER)
And that’s it. You just need some prior knowledge of how to make a Foliage tree (well the old version that I did) and it’ll be easy to grasp.
Yeah, the lighting is heavily customizable (I’d recommend having a higher brightness and slightly high exposure, enough to look vibrant but not enough to make bright-colored materials glow)
You use PixelFix on the leaf texture to get rid of the black outline. There’s a devforum post for the software.
Blur the texture a bit if you want for a fluffy feel. Use ForceField to get more shadows on it although they will kinds be inside the leafball cuz of crosshatching