Stylized Sword and Halbert from Genshin Impact

Hello! I have created a sword and halbert from Genshin Impact for few weeks ago, now I’m sharing them here. Waiting for your feedback!


WOAHHHH!!! This is literally so amazing. I have no words. It’s just so amazing. Incredible work. Btw what’s the name of the Polearm? I kinda wanna get it on Genshin. Have a good day!!! :happy3:

Thank you for your words! Glad you liked it :slightly_smiling_face:. For the polearm, I don’t play Genshin Impact. I just saw this on the internet and liked it! But I remember it’s name is “Engulfing Lightning” from Inazuma series.

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Sus Genshin Impact players (Cant even type the name)

Wow it looks very good. Very realistic good job!

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Wow! They both look so good! Nice job!

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looks amazing! I love models like these. great job!

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Thanks everyone for good words! :slight_smile: