Everything About the Archimedes' New Version

Hello! Today I’ll explain every features of the Archimedes, a building plugin. I’ll use my road kit from city kit for explain, you can download it from here if you want to use it.

1) Who Am I?
2) Why You Should Use Archimedes
3) Archimedes Basics
4) Direction and Angle
5) Control
6) Advantages and Disadvantages
7) Conclusion
1) Who Am I?
• Let’s start with who am I! I’m a builder and modeler for several years in Roblox, and using Archimedes for years. I’m doing commissions for a long time and worked on tons of projects. [Click here to see some of my works.

2) Why You Should Use Archimedes
• This is a good question, and I have a good answer! :grin:
You should use Archimedes, because it makes the building much easier. Especially if you are trying to make something that has too many turns, you must use it.

For example, let’s say you’ll make a door by parts. You want door’s top will be rounded, it is a pain if you aren’t using Archimedes. But if you are using archimedes, it will take few seconds!
It took me 10 seconds for me! :slight_smile:

3) Archimedes Basics
• Archimedes is a plugin that provides you making turnings easily, basically. But you can use it for more purposes, like making easy lines etc.

4) Direction and Angle
• Now, let’s start really. Let’s start with Direction.

4.1) Direction
Direction is the section where you’ll set the direction.

Face: This section is not interactive, it’s just shows you to the face which you’re going with.
X, Y, Z: You’ll set the direction from there. As you can see here, there are two sections. Let me explain them.
└Pitch: Duplicates parts in the regular direction. It’s the X’s pitch:
Note: Don’t forget that; X is red, Z is blue and Y is green.

Yaw: Duplicates parts in the odd? direction. It’s the X’s yaw:
Note: this model is the sidewalk model from my pack.

4.2) Angle
• Angle is the section where we set the orientation of the model.
It can start from 0 and go up to 100 degrees, you can’t go more.

5) Control
• The most important point.
There are several settings, and we’ll use all of them. Don’t be afraid, I’ll explain all of them.

Flip Axis: It’s basically “-”. Let’s say angle is 50, and “flip axis” is checked. Then the part will be rotated -50 degrees on choosen rotation.
Swap Sides: It swaps the other side. As you know, there are 2 X, Y, Z sizes at a part. This setting will allow you to the swap between X and -X.
Auto-Resize: It is a beta feature, so we’ll don’t get into this.
Use Pivot: Part will be rotated based on it’s pivot point, not the face if it’s checked.
Enabled: Plugin is enabled if it’s checked, basically. You don’t have to close and open from top every time, you can just check/uncheck it.
Alignment: This is a bit complicated, I’ll explain it by images. There are three options at this; Inside, Outside and Middle. It’s based on the model box, not the model itself!
Inside: Normal part and copied part will be stick if Inside is selected.

Outside: Normal part and copied part will be seperated if Outside is selected.

Middle: Normal part and copied part will be half seperated-half sticked if Middle is selected. Or basically, it’s based on the middle of the middle point of the face.

Offset: It’ll move the copied part by given direction, not too useful and I don’t recommend using it.
Amount: It’ll be place copied part(s) by given value. If it’s 5, it’ll place 5 parts.
Render: It’ll render copied part by Amount value.
Render All [x]: It’ll create a circle, and x value is the enough value for create a circle. Like, if the angle is 60, x will be 6 (360/60=6).

6) Advantages and Disadvantages
• Okay now, we met the Archimedes. Let’s talk about it’s advantages and disadvantages.

6.1) Advantages: As mentioned above, it’ll make buildings faster and easier. Especially if there’s turnings.

6.2) Disadvantages: Sometimes, it gets cumbersome. Also, it has limitations. Like, you can just apply one axis at once.

7) Conclusion
• Even if it has disadvantages, it’ll make building more funny, easier and clean! I can say that easily as a guy who uses this plugin for years. And I definitely recommend this! Thanks for reading, don’t forget to leave a like and review my mini asset pack!