Subterranean Research Base - (old changes)

Beta 1.3 - The Experimentation Update

Click on the link below to see 1.4’s changelog
The Maintenance Update/Patch 🠖

This is our first changelog for Subterranean Research Base. Overtime, I’ve added more and more details to every update that was released. However, it’s more easier to make a new post for new updates. As a result, this post will no longer be updated.

Feature Updates:
This is the list of the most noteworthy updates that our developers has done.

Version 1.3.1 Beta - The Holiday Update Released on December 12, 2020 - Revision 1700

Happy Holidays!

In this update, DSRB’s theme has changed to reflect the holiday spirit. Not only that, there are plenty of Holiday features to talk about!

Holiday Theme!
The smell of fresh snow…

Obviously, why shall we have a facility without any holiday spirit? The theme has changed to reflect the Winter, with snow on the ground and driveway, and with a modified atmosphere, it really makes everyone comfortable during the Holidays.

Holiday Exclusive Badges!
Get them before it’s gone!

We’ve added many holiday badges to achieve. Such as, finding the secret holiday cookie, a gift of teamwork and more!

Work together, as a team to find and obtain those badges till the end of the month! Good luck!

Holiday Fuse!
A nice touch for the Holiday spirit!

Use the Sector B - Crystal Research and Development to create a holiday fuse and use it as your present to wrap at Lab A4, or use it as a fuse in the reactor chamber! There are instructions on how you can make them.

Due to popular demand, we’ve expanded the lab to include more tables for others to create fuses!

Gift Wrapping Area - Lab A4
Wrap your gift!

With the addition of the Lab A2, bring your holiday creation down to the gift wrapping area. Follow the instructions on the whiteboard to successfully wrap your gift.

Lifetime Holiday Cookie!

There are awesome treats awaiting for you to claim, down at the Cafetera! Once you obtained the Holiday Cookies badge, you will be entitled for a sweet holiday snack in your inventory, AND it'll remain after the Holiday season is over!

These cookies have the ability to give your character an extra health, and an extra speed boost for three bites!

Experience+ FOR FREE!
Really? Yes, really!

You know, as a thank you for making Subterranean Research Base possible, our developers and I would love to give you a treat, free Experience+ features until January 9, 2021! Our gratitude for the hard-working team who made it possible. Thank you!

Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree.

Located at PixelPark, if you feel like giving players presents, come on down to the Christmas Tree and place your presents under the tree. With enough presents under the tree, receive the Bright Future badge as an award!

Special Delivery Event
It’s great to show gratitude.

Work together to create special Holiday fuses and wrapping them up. Take your present(s) to the Admin Complex at the Surface, find the area to drop it off, and you will notice the counter of how many presents were delivered, alongside how many presents were delivered globally, (total presents from December 12 - January 9, 2021).

Keep doing it, and you could see Santa and as an award, you could receive a special gift!

Track your gift as it delivers.

And finally, GiftTracker. The whiteboard at the Admin Complex monitors how many presents each player delivered. Work together to get as much global deliveries as possible, and win badges and gifts!

Other noteworthy changes or fixes for this update

  • We’ve fixed an issue where, if you unclaim your workbench, and walk away, you’ll still receive a notification about your workbench ownership being removed.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, if players owns a CrystalMasher machine, and proceed to leave the game, the machine does not become vacant.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, again, if players owns a CrystalMasher machine and walk away, the machine will still be marked as “in use”.
  • Fixed a visual bug where, sometimes mouse tips would get stuck to your mouse when not hovering over an object.

Thank you for playing Subterranean Research Base! Please continue to send feedback about the game!

Version 1.3 Beta - The Experimentation Update Released on December 1, 2020 - Revision 1700

Research. Experiment. Learn.

The Experimentation Update is all about researching. Come on down and work together on researching aspects of items you’ve seen, or make something useful for players!

As we’ve been featured on Learn & Explore, this update unlocks more potential for newcomers alike to explore, research and collaborate.

Sector B - Laboratories
It’s time to get serious!

We are working on laboratories at Sector B. Because, we've been features on learn and explore, it's time to focus on more gameplay elements other than monitoring the reactor.

Introducing, Crystal Research and Development Lab. This lab enables players to own a workbench, while working together to make and manufacture fuse crystals instead of getting stock ones. Also, with those new fuses in mind, some of them can deliver effects for the LPU.

We are excited to be working on more laboratories in the future, so stay tuned!

Modified User Interface
Roundify, it’s been nice knowing you.

We're introducing a brand new user interface for Beta 1.3. Delivering gradient, new icons and taking ideas from user feedback. The new UI is added across the game.

Mouse Tips
Information upon hover.

To deliver experiences for newcomers, we've added a new tips feature where if you were to hover a specific item, such as a button, a tip will appear explaining what it does. Of course, there will be some sticky-notes to explain in detail. You can turn these off in the settings.

New Spawn Interface
First impression matters.

We've improved the interface for picking your spawn point. Delivering information and previews upon hover reduces confusion of which area's witch and so on.

Also, if you don’t have Experience+, the game will automatically bring up the game-pass purchase prompt if you try to spawn at a spawn that requires it.

Massive Stability Improvements
Make sure the game is stable.

Over the span of a few months, some users were reporting of lag in the game. Our team have done a great job while reducing unused code, improving and fixing lag causing from architecture issues, etc.

We have plans to completely redo the framework for Subterranean Research Base, probably starting with Beta 1.4. As we continue to add features, we can’t be using such old code from, like 2018 or so. The new framework will bring more stability and more performance improvements in the future!

Other noteworthy changes or fixes for this update

  • A brand new startup has been added to deliver more immersive experiences.
  • New Med-Kits! New code and sounds added! Also, Med-kits now have a limit of how much you can keep at once.
  • New elevators to take you to Sublevel 2!
  • Added more decorations around the Facility.
  • Brand new Facility maps to deliver more clarity.
  • Decreased loading times, users with Intro disabled can get into the game much quicker.
  • Cooling the LPU after a shutdown is faster than before.
  • A hint has been added to easily find the book during Thermal Runaway. However, the hint will disappear in 1 minute!

What’s been fixed

  • We’ve added a message in the Developer Console, so when an error occurs with the client, you can report them so it can be fixed!
  • We’ve fixed an issue where some reports that Restroom door at Sector A was not working.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where doors would immediately open without playing an animation.
  • We’ve fixed a visual bug with parts flickering over one another, due to Z-fighting.
  • Fixed a visual bug where clicking skip cutscene when your screen fade to white causes the white frame to be stuck until you rejoin.
  • Fixed a visual bug where you can open the menu interface during Termination Scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where the game doesn’t properly shut down during a second Thermal Runaway.

Special thanks to @ATPStorages for the wonderful help with this project!

We are listening for improvements! Found a bug while playing? Please submit your feedback!

Version 1.2 Beta - The Collaboration Update Released on July 25, 2020 - Revision 1425

Collaborate. Embrace. Explore.

The Collaboration Update is all about working together to maintain the Facility’s health and more. This update is jammed packed with more interactions that enables you to collaborate and learn with others.

Light Photon Unit - Mark II
A whole new experience.

We are happy to announce our new reactor for Subterranean Research Base. Mark II will deliver more experiences than the previous reactor, as well with adding more gameplay features for players to enjoy.

Reactor Status
Temp, integrity; You name it.

We are excited to be bringing more interactivity to DSRB. This update enables you to view the reactor’s temperature and its overall integrity level. Ensuring that no issues occur!

However, voltage level is not yet added. Stay tuned in the later update!

Reactor Controls
Hmm, what does this button do?

Many of you have saw some controls at the Reactor Database and you have a dream where, you are able to click on it, and something happens. This is now a reality with this update. Whether you want to enable cooling systems, LPU chamber controls, and more.

Reactor BridgeWay
You’re about to enter the reactor.

Now, I can guarantee that you’re eying on that reactor, and thought to yourself: “What if, one day, I can enter the reactor chamber and touch it?”

We are excited that you are now able to enter the Reactor Chamber through the Reactor BridgeWay! Please be careful out there as you may encounter some unexpected things!

Hazmat Suit
Suit up!

With the introduction of the Reactor BridgeWay, Hazmat suits are added and is required in order to enter the LPU chamber safely.

When you are done doing LPU chamber things, head over to the decontamination showers to get rid of surface radiation from you!

Sector D - Coolant Control
Why is it soo hot in here?

In this update, we have created two new rooms for the brand new coolant, coming really soon. This is your opportunity to provide feedback for the overall layout.

Ambient Sounds
More noises!

We heard your feedback about adding ambient sound effects to the game, we are pleased to say that, ambient sounds are now present! Waterfall sound effects, pipes, you name it is now here.

Walkie-Talkie + Experience+ Additions
Information in your pocket and more goodies.

Players who joined our group can retrieve their own walkie-talkie. It's purpose is to alert members alike about a specific announcement, for let's say that the LPU is overheating or so.

Any players who are not in our group won’t get this item. You should ask for information if that’s the case. Also, for Experience+ users, you’ll get one medkit and hazmat suit! You’ll continue to get them whenever you reset your character.

The LPU Inside
Maintenance work required.

This update bought changes to the LPU reactor unit itself. This update brings the opportunity to get inside the LPU to perform specific things, such as repairing LPU components, to monitoring its components and more. In order to start the Light Photon Unit, all four fuses must be in place. Work together to put all four fuses to start the reactor.

Please remember, you MUST wear your hazmat suit at all time, or you could get extreme radiation poisoning!

(You’ll get a rare badge if all four fuses are missing or all four intact. Only obtainable for people who joined a fresh server).

LPU Thermal Runaway Scenario
Why’d you make this happen?

Along with the good, also comes with the bad. The first event we are adding is what we call "LPU Thermal Runaway" scenario, where the temperature gets too high, where safety features built for the Light Photon Unit fails, causing damages and potential hazard for visitors and members alike.

If this happens, you are obligated to ensure the safety of those around you by working together to “terminate” the LPU operations. Follow the on-screen instructions on the LPU Termination Sequence. Remember, work together and nobody explodes!

Other noteworthy changes or fixes for this update

  • We’ve fixed an issue where, if players joined during the Light Photon Unit startup scene, their camera would play the corresponding cutscene.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where it was possible to click on the menu button during the loading assets screen.
  • The topbar frame has been removed.
  • Restroom added by the Light Photon Unit Control Center.
  • New icons added for gameplay and performance settings.
  • The Med-kit sharing option can now be toggled.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, the message interface on top of the screen would play the animation if you would to click on said item which causes the notification to play its animation.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where it was possible to climb off the terrain at the surface.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, the outer lights in the chamber do not remain lit when startup finish.
  • If your data fails to load, you’ll automatically rejoin, which also fixes a bug where your last saved state didn’t load properly.
  • When changing spawn, there’s now an option to remember the spawn point you pick.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the light indicator for the startup panel animate twice.
  • Fixed a visual bug where both the Discover! logo and Subterranean Research Base in the intro wasn’t centered.

Version 1.1 Beta - The Environmental Update Released on June 1, 2020 - Revision 1022

Welcome to The Environmental Update!

This update brings a whole-new lighting experiences along with terrain updates to bring DSRB to life. Let’s talk about the changes!

Brand new Terrain and Atmosphere
More hills, grass, etc

Roblox has quietly added the new atmosphere instance. We have gone ahead and tightly intergrate it to this update bringing new look and feel throughout the facility. The atmosphere changes depending on the altitude of your character. For instance, if you are underground, the atmosphere will be dark. If you at the surface, it’ll be bright to reflect the outdoors.

Medkit improvements
More actions.

We have updated the medkit to have more functionality, such as giving hints of where to restock the medkits, in later updates, we plan to do a massive update to this feature.

Sector A - B Tunnel Upgrades!
Ooh, caves.

With the environmental update, we have redone the tunnel to reflect more items which will be useful in the later update. Check it out!

The Aspire Theater
See you on the 13th of June!

As we prepare for the upcoming evnet on June 13, we have been hard at work, working on the new Aspire Theater to include more seating, new backdrop and more.

After the event, the auditorium can be controlled for roleplaying experiences coming later on.*

*Requires the Experienece+ gamepass to control the auditorium.

Other noteworthy changes or fixes for this update

  • We’ve fixed an issue where, at Reactor Database, there was an invisible part that users can stand on in the air.
  • You’ll no longer die when you attempt to ride ontop of the ZeptoTram, instead an invisible block prevents you from doing so.
  • Added new options in settings: Instant Respawn, Medkit sharing, Shadows and High Details.
  • We’ve fixed some UI issues, such as buttons overlapping other UIs, etc.
  • If your client fails to retrive data from the server, you’ll automatically rejoin rather than continuing to play with missing data.
  • Renamed “You are here” to “Base” on the Surface Lift Status UI.
  • New door animations and sound.

Please continue to send feedback while we continue developing the game!

Version 1.0 Beta - The Foundation Release Released on April 30, 2020 - Revision 1000

This is the first revision of DSRB to be released publicly. Here are the new features, changes and fixes below.

Surface Elevator
Finally. Get me out of here!

The Surface Elevator has been worked on to ensure that once we release the game to public beta, it allows you to go to the surface or underground and vice versa. I’m happy to say our devs has been putting a lot of effort in making sure the lift works. If at anytime, there’s an issue, file a bug report!

Change Spawn
I want to go here, there or behind.

We are well known for allowing players to choose their default spawn point around the facility. That is now here, change your spawn location from the start. Change your mind? No problem, at anytime you wish to change, use the menu button and click on the Change Spawn button.

Unlock more spawn locations by joining our group or purchasing Experience+. More spawn locations soon!

Improvements at Sectors
Finishing touches.

We have done work in other to improve the user experience, not by fixing bugs but also tweaking the look and feel of sectors. Let us know what you think.

Other noteworthy changes or fixes

  • All of the old click doors has been replaced with the new ones.
  • Restrooms are added in Sector B and C, rather than being exclusively in Sector A.
  • We’ve fixed a bug where your mouse becomes invisible during “Assets Left to Load” screen, making it impossible to skip loading assets.
  • All UI buttons should make sounds. If desire, disable them in settings.
  • Removed placeholder dummies including upside-down face ones.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, some parts around the facility were not anchored.
  • We’ve fixed typos around the facility, including interfaces.
  • Any placeholder text should now appear with its intended description/title.
  • We’ve fixed a visual bug where highlighting menu buttons rapidly prevents the button description from showing.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, in some certain circumstances, users being kicked from the game during loading sequence. Thanks to the people who sent this in!
  • We’ve fixed an issue where in the developer console, would print “unable to load animation”.
  • We’ve fixed a visual bug where, if you have any menu interface open, reset your character, anything in the menu interface disappears.
  • We’ve fixed a critical bug where, sometimes the loading bar stops animating due to a function called to the Roblox Core GUI API freezing, resulting the client script yielding indefinitely.

Known issues
These are the list that developers have identified issues in this revision which would be fixed in upcoming revisions.

  • There are times where lag spike occurs around Sector B. Bear with us while we investigate.
  • There are some point of times where, UI elements would animate incorrectly.

Quality Updates:
This is the list for bug fixes and changes.

Version 1.3.2 Beta Released on December 29, 2020 - Revision 1700

This update focuses on the post-Holiday Update theme, while adding new features below:


  • Anyone who obtained the Coal and Holiday Cookie during the Holiday Update will receive the respected gear in their backpack.
  • The new labs, with bigger area has been added to this update.
  • A much more easier way to purchase gamepass has been added in the Menu called Upgrade.
  • More tips has been added to the game.
  • Server announcements has been added; it’ll display tips & tricks as well with some game information. You may wish to turn this off under Settings > Gameplay > Server Announcements.


  • Fixed an issue where removing or adding a fuse in the chamber don’t work.
  • Reduced some lag that were reported. We did our best to reduce lag for Beta 1.3. (Starting with Beta 1.4, a massive performance upgrade is underway.)
  • Fixed a typo in the spawn gui.
  • Surface elevator improvements. Thanks to everyone who reported issues about the elevator.

Thank you for playing DSRB! Please continue to report bugs. This may be the last update for Beta 1.3 series, before the massive update of Beta 1.4 releases later.

Version 1.2.1 Beta Released on August 25, 2020 - Revision 1500

This update is focused on fixing bugs and adding small features to Beta 1.2.


  • Fuses now blow, or break at random. Repair is needed to fix the LPU.
  • The fuse disposal area can be used to dispose of broken LPU fuses.
  • The ability to restart the LPU after a shutdown is here. Do keep in mind, temperature must be in safe levels and fully repaired to start the LPU.
  • The ability to skip LPU startup cutscene is added, alongside an option to toggle cutscene option.
  • Players can no longer carry more than 4 fuses in their inventory at one time.
  • Atmosphere now transition smoothly.
  • Disabling high detail option hides some wall/floor texture, alongside removing other high detail objects in game.
  • Changed the button on the bottom left to feature a “hamburger menu” styled icon, as well with the menu button being more transparent.


  • We’ve fixed an issue where, if players wasn’t wearing any clothing, the hazmat giver will fail to obtain a suit for you.
  • We’ve fixed an rare issue where sometimes using a wrench to get LPU fuse fail.
  • We’ve fixed a visual bug where the LPU fuse light remain lit, when fuse are gone.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where sometimes, inserting the LPU fuse tend to fail, causing the LPU to not start up until the server resets.
  • Players can no longer stand on the LPU crystal itself.
  • Fixed bug where if players remain in the intro and the thermal runaway starts, two music plays.

Version 1.1_2 Beta Released on June 15, 2020

This update is focused on fixing bugs and improving core elements of the game.

  • Fixed an issue where the shield generator ring does not animate.
  • The “Bricc Chips” sound effect has a very short sound radius.
  • Fixed an issue where a split-second lag occurs during intro sequence.
  • Discover! Aspire has been rescheduled, the dates has been covered.

Be ready to explore the upcoming Beta 1.2 update coming in July!

Version 1.1_1 Beta Released on June 5, 2020

This update is focused on fixing bugs and improving core elements of the game.

  • Added a new badge: Welcome! (Obtainable by joining the game for the first time.)
  • When clicking on change spawn setting, the current spawn immediately lit up instead of waiting a second to lit up.
  • Fixed an issue where, sometimes resetting your character throws up HumanoidRootPart error, which results in the atmosphere unable to update correctly.
  • Fixed union issues at Sector B.
Version 1.0_1 Beta Released on May 4, 2020

may the 4th be with you!

Thank you for attending the launch event for Subterranean Research Base. We have heard lots of great feedback of the game.

This update is focused on fixing bugs and improving core elements of the game going forward. No new features added in this Revision.

  • We’ve fixed many UI elements and improved some aspects of it such as:
    -decreasing the time to click on a new button after clicking the X button
    -fixing an issue where some buttons wasn’t highlighting when hovering
    -decreased UI whitespacing.

  • Thanks to your feedback of gameplay performance, we have tweaked some code to improve performance and reliability. We also organized some parts that contribute to game latency.

  • The reactor spin effect should now animate correctly.
    (Sadly, the issue continue to persist. We will fix this later on!)

  • Fixed an issue where, at Sector C, going down the pathway was impossible due to a union issue.


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