Sunsetting Premium Only Groups

To be completely honest, Premium has become more or less just a paywall for creators at this point because 95% of the features have become available for everyone and they removed the name that everyone loved too, No one asked roblox to change it but they did anyways.

I feel like this is a good step to making the platform not seem like another greedy corporate entity.


Curious as to how many people this affects. I think it’s good considering the fact that groups are supposed to be like social hubs on Roblox and this was kind of a feature that went against that ideology.


I understand that. But premium only groups can be good. It is like free ads for premium, users will feel like it is a must, and you might think that it can make people seem uncool to not have it, but if we implement enough groups with 10 / 10 games people will feel like they are idiots not to buy it. If you make it worth more than something like netflix, it will easily become bought by everyone. Most people can spend at least 60 dollars a year on entertainment, they just need a better reason to.


This is a pretty OK change, I don’t even remember anyone using this feature ever since BC was remodeled into premium. Not really something I would get excited about, but I can see how other robloxians can be happy about it.


I never used this feature even when I had BC, so all I can say is alright. Never really saw much use as group management bots that were much more popular during those days could filter users by much more than just the membership.


Only time I’ve really paid attention to it was when the owner of this clothing group I designed for made the group builders club only so “poor people don’t join” or something like that idk


Is there any reason to keep Premium only groups?


Yes, actually. If someone makes an awesome game, publishes it to a group, and sets the group to premium only, they can still make a ton of money off of it without setting the game to paid access or adding microtransactions through guaranteed premium payouts. If the game is good enough, people may even buy premium just to play the game.


Well, it’s possible that a group owner doesn’t want bots or noobs in a game they make, so they make a group game available to only people who are premium.
You know the feature where you have to pay to be able to play a game? This is basically that except you have to be premium and join the group to play the game.


I never knew this feature existed. Anyways, seems like a good decision. This could have become a problem if people started to abuse it by making a popular game’s fan group premium only.

	if Plr.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
		print("Premium user")
		-- Kick user
		Plr:Kick("Sorry "..Plr.Name.." But it appears you don't have premium ;( this is a premium locked game. Maybe you should consider?? :point_right: :point_left: ")

Works perfectly fine for premium only games.


May I ask the percentage of groups that ever had this feature enabled?


And then non-premium players will thumbs-down the game because they played it and got kicked. Your solution doesn’t work.


100% agree with you that premium is a players thing rather than a developer thing yet roblox forces developers to have premium in order to use their dev ex program which personally i find stupid, i mean what’s the point in paying roblox to get payment from roblox


The only usefulness I see in this new feature for groups is for limited items trading groups. Then I don’t see why I would use this for my groups.

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No, but people who aren’t premium and get kicked will dislike the game because they can’t play.

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Agreed to an extent, I’m sure some groups had some ingame premium benefits that were accessible by joining the group.

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People without premium aren’t noobs; and you can always activate the “manual approval” to avoid bots. But I get your point


There’s literally no reason to block non-premium players. You’re just reducing your potential player base.


Premium only groups have never made sense to me, and I’m probably one of the few group owners with a justifiable reason to have a premium only group (a trading-centered group, which is a premium only feature after all)

Yet I did not have the feature enabled because as a group owner, you want the most members as possible, since they’re your source of advertising and growth, and non-premium users could still engage with the community in contributive ways.

On top of all that, I honestly cannot think of one premium only group that still existed besides a random test group I made years ago.