“I have never used this feature, that makes it useless!”
I have never uploaded a decal to the public library, but I’m not gonna call for the removal of public decals.
Developers and community managers have a legitimate - although niche - use for the inbox system, and anyone who doesn’t want to friend people to communicate with them also has a reason to use it.
Roblox is essentially forcing people to use either a clunky and outdated alternative - which is the supposed reason that they’re removing the inbox system - or to go off-platform, which is bad for obvious reasons.
This is a heavy-handed and thoughtless solution to a problem that will not just go away with inbox messaging gone.
Be ready for thousands of “addmeforfreerabax” accounts to pop up.
Roblox heavily disincentivizes people from using third party platforms, such as discord, there’s literally no on-site alternatives other than the chat feature which does not fit the niche of the messages feature they are removing.
Roblox is forcing you to use an external webservice that interfaces with your game. Or to save messages in a datastore for you to read and respond to in studio.
I would prepare in advance so you aren’t royally screwed.
This update is a disgrace to the developers on Roblox and I hope that Roblox will reconsider. Roblox, you might not have noticed, but many developers actually use this. Please, I swear to god revert this update.
P.S. No one really uses Guilded other than putting images in their group shouts.
My most missed feature of Roblox, back when Roblox felt like a community.
Personal Servers had such a low barrier of entry when compared to regular places. Because the maximum player count was 30 at release (IIRC), it was so easy to get to the top of the list and meet so many people. I loved hosting servers where I would give people plots and we would all build a massive city together.
Starting today, we’re sunsetting user-to-user communication within Inbox Messaging.
Inbox Messaging will still be used for Roblox to send system messages to users, including information about updated policy and platform changes. Prior user messages will still be accessible as Read-Only.
Forums is not a replacement for a casual player
No one should just create a new group just for communication between users without needing to friend them
When will you guys start listening to the people who make you all of your money? Just putting on earmuffs and drowning out the complaints isn’t gonna work for you guys very much longer…
I predicted you would just sunset it anyways. However, this is quite problematic.
You want the platform to be a metaverse where people can communicate with each other but you keep removing communication features without immediate replacements.
You make it worse by introducing us to new, possibly useful communication features with a “please make your account vulnerable to sim swapping attacks” or a “please give your passport to a random third party and don’t question it”.
I am pointing that out since it leaves me with one question.
Are you basically expecting all of us to use Discord or Guilded? I had been warning you not to do this because you went on and on about wanting to improve safety.
Discord and Guilded isn’t any safer and it is even worse on Discord because we could be sent literal malware that has the potential to put our lives in jeopardy. If you are living under a rock, scammers already send malware to your players by luring them onto Discord.
Again, please reconsider this change. You can make your decision final but try listening to our feedback a little bit.
Unfortunately Roblox is known for removing features which are useful, but are constantly used by 100% of the community. Messaging is clearly a basic functionality which Roblox should have (alongside activity status.) We now have no way of communicating with other non friend users unless we are in the same game. I am not in favor of forcing users off site to find one another. This is a bad change, in line with the removal of the Roblox forum. Though the removal of messages is much less justified.
This is a pretty bad feature in my opinion, even though I hardly use it anymore it would have been a more useful alternative than having to message people outside of social media platform websites. It’s also just another example of Roblox’s removing stuff rather than fixing it you can’t just remove something and expect everything will get better after it.