Super Striker League - V5.0 Update Notes (February 26, 2022)

It’s been a while, but we’re back again with new Super Striker League updates!

🏆 Golden and Divine Items

You can now craft GOLDEN and DIVINE ITEMS!
Speak to Sothrus, the keeper of the Divine Forge now available in Striker City, and he will give you the details on how to create these items!

Sothrus spent many years wandering faraway lands, where he was known as a legend who possessed great magical powers and craftsmanship. Not much else is known about his enigmatic life, but after finally arriving at Striker City, he decided to put his abilities to use by helping those in the League to forge incredibly powerful equipment.

Golden Items

To create a Golden item, you will need to speak to Sothrus and offer 4 copies of the same item, plus a $50,000 fee.

The first item you offer will be turned into a Golden item. The other three items will be sacrificed and destroyed, so choose carefully!

When you turn an item into a Golden item, it will keep all of its original stats, trinkets, XP, and other attributes (besides paint color).

Golden items also receive +15 extra stat points to use!
For example, if you turn a Level 100 item into a Golden item, you would then be able to purchase a maximum of 115 stat points for that item. (Note that you’ll still have to pay the cost of applying these additional stat points.)

Divine Items

Divine items are a step up from Golden items, and are the rarest item variant that you can create!
To create a Divine item, you’ll need to offer 4 GOLDEN copies of the same item, plus a $100,000 fee. The same rules apply as before (the attributes of the first item offered will be kept).

Divine items will pulsate with a special, eye-catching rainbow effect! Plus, they’ll receive an additional +25 extra stat points to use, for a total of +40 extra stat points!

Special Case: Discontinued Items

The Samurai Helmet and Phoenix Helmet are two old Legendary items from 2019/2020 which are discontinued and are no longer available from crates ever again. This makes it very difficult to get extra copies of these items for performing Golden/Divine upgrades.

To solve this problem, when upgrading one of these discontinued items to Golden/Divine status, you will not have to offer 3 other copies of the exact same item - you are instead allowed to offer a combination of any 3 Legendary helmets. For example:

  • To upgrade a discontinued item to Golden status, you could offer any combination of 3 regular Legendary helmets
  • To upgrade a discontinued item to Divine status, you could offer any combination of 3 Golden Legendary helmets

Note that Halloween/Holiday items are not classified as discontinued, as they are set to return every year.

🔧 Other Changes

Overclockers / Stat Cap Changes

Right now, Overclockers are not very valuable because only a small number of players actually need them. Not many people actually add more than 60 points to a single stat on an item. To give Overclockers more value, they should become a more significant part of the upgrade process, thus increasing their demand and making them more useful items for all players.

  • At first, new items can only have a maximum of 40 points in a single stat, down from 60.
  • Items can now be Overclocked up to 6 times. Just like before, each Overclocker increases the per-stat points cap by 10, up to a maximum of 100 points per stat.
  • Converting existing items
    • Any existing items which were already Overclocked have received an additional 2 Overclocks to keep them at the same tier they were at before.
    • Any non-Overclocked items which already had more than 40 points in a single stat have been automatically Overclocked to the necessary tier.

Minor Adjustments

  • The daily cash trading limits were adjusted. Level 100-249 players can trade up to $500,000, and Level 250+ players can trade up to $10,000,000.
  • The cost of purchasing stat points for items beyond Item Level 125 has been decreased.
  • The Roblox chat scripts have been updated to the latest version.
  • Minor UI bug fixes.

Future Plans

The obvious question is “why haven’t there been any updates in a year?”

I really wanted to return to working on Super Striker League in mid-2021, but unfortunately we (Cinder Studio) became much busier than expected having to finish up our other responsibilities, and I was left with no time to work on Super Striker League that year.

However, now that our other work is finished, I finally have time to get back to working on more Super Striker League updates!

Right now I’d like to focus on things that have been marked as “coming soon” for a long time, such as the Clubs system and Badges. Beyond that, Ranked matchmaking could be a possibility in the future too! If you have suggestions for what you’d like to see, please let me know on Twitter @CinderingRB!

I’m excited to get back to working on Super Striker League and creating even more cool stuff for the game’s future :heart:

- - - - - - - - PLAY NOW - - - - - - - -
