Supervision Handbook

:unlock: Access: Shift Leader β†’ Supervisor β†’ Assistant Manager β†’ General Manager

:books: About

:clipboard: The Supervision Team consists of the following ranks.

  • Shift Leader
  • Supervisor
  • Assistant Manager
  • General Manager

:briefcase: These ranks handle trollers, run training sessions, and moderate the car wash. They play an important role in running our group.

:white_check_mark: This guide is important for members of the Supervision Team. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the information below.

:arrow_right: Important

Ranking Up

:arrow_double_up: Staff members above the rank of Shift Leader can be promoted in the Promotional Batch. This is the random promotion of hard working individuals each week. Those who receive a promotion will be announced on the Communications Server.

:game_die: Random promotions are given throughout the week as well.

:man_teacher: Tips

Increase your chance of being promoted by following the steps below.

  • Attend training sessions
  • Regularly play the game
  • Direct traffic and handle disruptions
  • Display leadership skills
  • Be friendly
Communications Server

:clipboard: Get involved with the community even further by joining the Communications Server.

:white_check_mark: Benefits

  • Participate in events and giveaways
  • Engage with other players
  • Receive exclusive announcements
  • Get sneak peeks of upcoming updates

:rotating_light: Safety

  • :eyes: Moderation: We constantly oversee our Communications Server and use auto-filtering technology.
  • :scroll: Standards: We actively prevent profanity, controversial topics, inappropriate content, and disruptive behavior.
  • :evergreen_tree: Environment: We maintain a respectful space for players to engage with others safely

:handshake: Joining

:arrow_down: Navigate to our Communications Server using the link below.
:link: Resources


:date: At training, members of the Supervision Team can take different roles to help run the session. We’ve listed the roles that each rank can claim.

:pushpin: Shift Leader: Assistant, Trainer

:pushpin: Supervisor: Assistant, Trainer, Co-Host

:pushpin: Assistant Manager: Assistant, Trainer, Co-Host, Host

:pushpin: General Manager: Assistant, Trainer, Co-Host, Host

:books: Hosts and Trainers must use the training guide. It’s a Google Document located on our Communications Server. Do not claim either of these roles if you do not have access to the training guide.

:man_teacher: Notes

:shield: Roles:

  • You are not guaranteed to have your role returned if you disconnect.
  • Staying past role selection will result in a kick from the server.
  • You are not allowed to switch or steal roles.

:repeat: Rejoining:

  • Notify an Overseer if you have a role and need to rejoin.
  • Those who do not rejoin after 5 minutes will have their role taken by someone else

:warning: Warnings:

  • Warnings should not be issued before training begins. Open a ticket on the Communications Server for assistance.
  • Disrupting training or behaving disrespectfully results in a warning. Include the specific reason when warning players.
  • Exploiting results in a permanent ban. Report exploiters to the Corporate Team and they will handle the situation.

:scroll: Other:

  • Do not roam to other rooms.
  • Do not go AFK for an extended period.

:arrow_right: Extra


:necktie: Uniforms are required in the Training Center and encouraged at the Car Wash.

:memo: Why uniforms?

Uniforms promote unity and professionalism. They are a reminder that staff members represent Washiez and must be held to a high standard.

:money_with_wings: Purchase a uniform on the Group Store to wear it on your avatar.
:link: Group Store

:+1: Staff members who don’t purchase a uniform can equip one in-game.


:pencil2: Using grammar means to use proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. See below for more information.

:pen: Entry Team

  • Grammar is encouraged in all situations.

:eyes: Supervision Team

  • Grammar is encouraged at the Car Wash.
  • Grammar is encouraged in the Communications Server.
  • Grammar is required at the Training Center.

:construction: Management Team

  • Grammar is required at the Training Center.
    Grammar is encouraged in the Communications Server.

:page_with_curl: Corporate Team

  • Grammar is required at the Training Center.
  • Grammar is encouraged in the Communications Server.
  • Grammar is required in announcements or promotional messages.

:point_up: Grammar usage helps us uphold a clean and professional image.


:pushpin: Depending on the severity of your incompliance with the rules, the Corporate Team will administer one of the following punishments below. Refer to the Washiez Handbook for the rules.

:yellow_circle: Strike: This is a minor offence due to abuse of power, unprofessionalism, or misuse for tools.

:orange_circle: Demotion: This will move you to your previous rank after receiving three strikes. The Corporate Team will log your demotion for future reference.

:red_circle: Termination: This will move you to the Customer rank. Terminations are given for severe violations of the rules. The Corporate Team will log your demotion for future reference.

:thinking: Questions?

Use our Communications Server to get in touch with us. Speak to a member of the Management or Corporate Team if you aren’t on the Communications Server. Thank you!