About Us
Washiez continues to serve as one of Roblox’s leading roleplay groups. We offer a large and welcoming community, a unique game, and tons of staffing opportunities. We connect thousands of players each day who interact through our game. Unlike others in the roleplaying industry, we’ve introduced car washing, a brand-new genre, to the Roblox platform.
Public Information
Game Rules
Maintaining a safe and friendly environment keeps our community safe. Our staff team monitors the game regularly to strictly enforce these rules.
Be respectful
We do not tolerate ramming, trolling or blocking. Players receive 3 warnings before jail.
No exploiting
Do not disrupt the gameplay of others or cheat the game. Exploiting results in a permanent ban.
Do not advertise
Advertising in any way is prohibited.
Be appropriate
We do not allow the sharing of inappropriate content. This will result in a ban.
Rank Descriptions
Below the name of the rank, the description includes an explanation on how to achieve the rank as well. Refer to the “Becoming a Shift Leader” section for more details on the recommendation system.
A normal member of the group.
Entry Team
Player who passed the test at the Application Center. They are now a part of the staff team.Junior Operator
Player who passed one training.Senior Operator
Player who passed two trainings.Head Operator
Player who passed three trainings.
Supervision Team
Shift Leader
Player who purchased Shift Leader at the Rank Center or got promoted through the recommendation system.Supervisor
Player who purchased Supervisor at the Rank Center or got promoted in a promotional batch.Assistant Manager
Player who purchased Assistant Manager at the Rank Center or got promoted in a promotional batch.General Manager
Player who purchased General Manager at the Rank Center or got promoted in a promotional batch.
Management Team
Junior Director
Player who got promoted from General Manager in a promotional batch.Senior Director
Player who got promoted from Junior Director in a promotional batchHead Director
Player who got promoted from Senior Director in a promotional batch.
Corporate Team
Corporate Intern
When a spot in the Corporate Team opens, the Leadership Team will select a Head Director to undergo a trial period.Junior Corporate
Player who passed their trial period as a Corporate Intern.Senior Corporate
Player who got promoted when a Senior Corporate spot opened.Head Corporate
A lead member of the Corporate Team who got promoted when a Head Corporate spot opened.
Staff members above the rank of Shift Leader can be promoted in the Promotional Batch. This is the random promotion of hard working individuals each week. Those who receive a promotion will be announced on the Communications Server.
Random promotions are given throughout the week as well.
Becoming a Staff Member
To become a staff member and work at the car wash, follow the steps below.
Visit the Application Center to take a short quiz. Once you pass, you will be automatically ranked to the rank of Trainee.
Application Center
Trainees cannot work at the car wash. To continue ranking up, attend a training session during one of the scheduled times.
Training Center
6:00 AM EDT, 3:00 AM PDT, 10:00 AM GMT
9:00 AM EDT, 6:00 AM PDT, 1:00 PM GMT
12:00 PM EDT, 9:00 AM PDT, 4:00 PM GMT
3:00 PM EDT, 12:00 PM PDT, 7:00 PM GMT
6:00 PM EDT, 3:00 PM PDT, 10:00 PM GMT
9:00 PM EDT, 6:00 PM PDT, 1:00 AM GMTMove up a rank by passing a training session. Junior Operators, Senior Operators, and Head Operators can direct traffic, work in the ticket booths, serve at the cafe, and restock the car wash.
Ban Appeals
If you’re banned from the game, a form to appeal your ban is available on the Communications Server. You cannot appeal if you are not in the Communications Server. Normally, a ban will only last a few days.
In order to appeal, visit the resources Trello in the tab below. Remember, the link to appeal is available on our Communications Server.
The resources Trello contains important links and information for members of Washiez. Make sure to visit the Trello that’s linked below.
Staff Information
Staff Rules
Failure to comply with the rules below will result in punishment.
Do not ask for a promotion. This is called hinting.
Respect the authority of the Management and Corporate Team.
Do not act disrespectfully towards customers or staff members.
Note: Severely breaking the rules of other games will result in punishment.
Maintain professional behavior and act appropriately.
Note: Taking jokes too far is unacceptable. Do not reference sensitive topics such as dating, resignations, or punishments.
Using autoclickers, hacks, or glitches is not tolerated.
Note: Minute farming will result in punishment.
Staff Duties
As a member of the staff team, you must know your duties. Each rank level is assigned to different responsibilities.
Entry Team
Players are responsible for…
- Working at the lanes to distribute tickets
- Opening the gate to the car wash
- Directing traffic
- Preventing ramming, blocking, and cutting
- Restocking the car wash by going to the warehouse
Supervision Team
Players are responsible for…
- Warning and jailing trollers
- Supervising the car wash
- Assisting the Entry Team
- Running training sessions
Management Team
Players are responsible for…
- Despawning disruptive vehicles at the car wash
- Moderating the car wash
- Running training sessions
- Answering questions
Corporate Team
Players are responsible for…
- Hosting events
- Managing the staff team
- Ranking during training sessions
- Overseeing training sessions
Becoming a Shift Leader
Once you become a Head Operator, you’re eligible to be promoted to Shift Leader. This means you will be a part of the Supervision Team and can use the moderation panel to warn trollers. Head Operators looking to become a Shift Leader must first meet the requirements.
- Earn 250 skill
- Regularly play the game
- Display professionalism, respect for others, and the ability to effectively handle situations
- Work at Washiez for a minimum of 2 weeks
Upon meeting the requirements, you have a chance at being promoted through the recommendation process. In the recommendation process, members of the Corporate Team will randomly promote Head Operators who are qualified to become a Shift Leader. You do not need to be on the Communications Server to receive a promotion.
Asking for a promotion, which is called hinting, is not allowed. Approaching a member of the Corporate Team and hinting will reduce your chances of being promoted.
Use our Communications Server to get in touch with us. Speak to a member of the Management or Corporate Team if you aren’t on the Communications Server. Thank you!